Elfhame without its queen

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Cardan's POV

      It's boring. My sweet, sweet nemesis is not beside me, sitting on the throne that she is supposed to be sitting in. I sleep in an empty bed. My queen is not in it.

      I hate it. I tip back my crown onto my head before it fully drops, and I drink more wine. I'm so drunk without Jude, I can't think straight.

Jude, please. Just come home. I miss her. And I hate the way I think of her

      I try to take another sip, but my cup is empty. I frown and call out to the mortals and they hurry over to fill my glass once again. A look of worry is obvious on their face.

      I do not acknowledge it, and continue drinking wine. My clothes are wrinkled, I'm pretty sure that some of my buttons are unbuttoned, too. I do not look like a king right now. And I most certainly look like a king without its queen.

      I spot Nicasia in the distance - smirking at me. It's annoying. She preferred Locke, so she lost her chance. Plus, I have a much prettier girl anyway.


      After the party, I went back into my room exhausted, and very drunk. I toss my shirt off, sleeping shirtless as I get under the covers and close my eyes. I can already feel the gold on my face smudging on the silk pillows.


      Jude is in the distance, standing in a grass field looking as beautiful as ever. I grin, and walk towards her.

      She turns around, already knowing I'm there - of course she does. She's always cautious after all. I look down at her. The height difference is obvious.

"You killed me," she says. Blood dripping out of her eyes and nose and mouth and I scream


      I wake up, sweat dripping down my face. I keep on thinking of her, I can't stop it. It's disgusting.

      I mentally swear to myself, and I go back to bed. Already too tired to even get a glass of water


That's it for chapter 2.5

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