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Jude's POV:

     Where is Cardan? He isn't in his room, or in a meeting, and there isn't any revel. I have basically checked everywhere - except for one place.

     I walk through its dark hallways, opening every door just not to find him. Finally, I got to the last door. With a sharp breath, I walk in carefully, hand on the hilt of Nightfell.

     There laid Cardan on a couch, all I saw was his hair and the back of the couch. I rushed to him, saying, "Cardan, I've been looking-"

My eyes widen in horror.

     Cardan, he was laying on the couch, blood gushing out of his chest. How was I supposed to help him? No one was around, it was just us. I rip off a part of my dress and hold it at his wound to prevent blood from coming out anymore.

     I slap him twice on each cheek, trying to get him to wake up. How long has he been here, by himself, bleeding out? "Help!" I scream out while holding him, and I keep screaming until I'm tired from yelling.

     After what felt like minutes, someone rushes in, a fae. She had long white hair that drops to her waisted and dark purple skin.

     "Call someone to help, now," I say in between deep breaths, "the High King is bleeding." She nods and runs out of the door.

     The medics arrive after what felt like an hour, and luckily, fae don't die that easily to just a stab. They took care of the wound, and gave him stitches. Then, covered it in a bandage that wrapped around his chest.

     Once they left and I had to stay in this place with him to look after him, I look at his sleeping face. His features were sharp. Dark eyeliner and eyeshadow. He was laying so peacefully on the couch as of he wasn't just stabbed awhile ago.

Letters - a jurdan fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin