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Boruto and his friends got call from Shino sensie, they got a punishment to help the other shinobis to fix the damages in the Hokage's stone.

The sun is getting down as the time for the to leave and got home.

" Thanks to Sakuri..Metal didn't get injured.." Shikadai said while walking.

" I thought she will help Metal to get up earlier..." Inojin said as he sweatdropped.

" Cheer up, Metal! " Boruto said as they stop walking.

" Huh?"

" You don't have to take that thing so seriously. After all, the Seventh Hokage doesn't look serious at all..." Boruto said, trying to cheer up his friend.

" B..But"

" You know what, Metal.."Shikadia said, making Metal turn his attention to him.

" Giving your all best is not the matter, You ended up making more work for us. You're so inefficient. " Shiakadai said making Metal lowered his head.

" You always making mistakes when you getting nervous. " Shikadai added

" Thanks to Sakuri, if she doesn't throw her katana you would be in great injured." Shikadai continue.

" I-I'll be going that way.." Metal said as he started to walk away.

" Shikadai, that was little harsh. " Inojin said

" You're one to talk. " Iwabe said as he looked at Inojin.

" Hey! Isn't that Sakuri? " Sumire said as she saw Sakuri was standing in front of the booth.

They approach her as Sakuri sense them. She didn't bother to look at them.

" Hey! Sakuri! " Boruto called with a smile on his face.

" She's buying a sweets again.." Inojin said as he chuckle.

Sakuri sigh in annoyance, She needs to get home after this but seems like it will delayed.

" What do you want?" Sakuri asked them, facing them.

" Nothing. we just want to see you.." Sumire said as she smile shyly.

' Is that two faced idiot? ' Sakuri thought refferring Sumire.

" Dai.." Sakuri called

" Yeah.."

" Let's go home.." Sakuri simply said as she turn back, holding her sweets while holding the hem of shirt of Shikadai.

" Yeah...I'll walk you home." Shikadai said as he sigh. He used to it anyway since they were kids.

" I'll go home too." Inojin said as he followed Sakuri and Shikadai.

" Hey!! You just left me here! Ya know!! " Boruto yelled from the back.





There's a lot of incidents happened as Sakuri didn't care at all. Even though she knows who's the culprit she didn't bother to say anything.

They're having a classes outside because their topic now is to summon the animals. Sakuri already know this, and already have a summoning animal even the weapon.


Konohamaru explained about the summoning jutsu while Sakuri was zoning out next to her sister.

" Do you understand? Uzumaki Boruto " Shino said

" That's too easy.." Boruto said

Time passed, it was already lunch time. Sarada and Sakuri went to the cafeteria.

" What do you want to eat ?" Sarada asked her sister.

" Anything that edible.." Sakuri said making Sarada chuckle and sweatdropped.

" I see..."

They were in the lined, suddenly boys appear next to them.

" One, Yakisoba Bread. Please!! "

" One, Yakisoba Bread. Please!! "

Sarada and Boruto in sync said as they face each other in annoyance.

" Ma'am, Yakisoba Bread. Please!! "

" Ma'am, Yakisoba Bread. Please!! "

Sakuri was done buying, as she eat her bread from the back. She'swaiting for her sister to be done.

' So annoying..' Sakuri thought as she bite on her bread.

She watching her sister and Boruto fighting over the bread. She does not want to inffere sinice she know Sarad can handle that trouble.

" Hey, guys please stop..' Sumire said, she's trying to lighten the aatmosphere.

Suddenly thier Teacher came to stop the on going fight. Disccussing their task, they'll have a test from Shino sensie. They need to get the flag at the top of the academy. it was Girls vs Boys

" There's only one rule. You will start here and whoever grab the flag at the top of the building is the winner" Shino said pointing the red flag on the top of the building.

" The loser will listen to what the winner says. Got it?" Shino added.

" Yes!! "

" Ready. Set. Go! "

Everyone start to run towards to the gate of the academy except Sakuri who just walking to keep everyone up.

' Too much work...' Sakuri thought

She watch Iwabe created a Mud wall to block the girls's path way as Cho-cho used her jutsu to destroyed the wall succesfully.

' Cho-cho Akimichi, She's have a ability but lack of motivation ' Shino thought as he observe from far away.

' Uchiha Sakuri. Where is she? ' Shino wonder, earlier he saw Sakuri was standing next to Sarada while giving them an instruction.

Shino was looking everywhere he can find and cannot find Sakuri not until his eyes land on the rooftop of the academy.

Sakuri was sitting at the rooftop while eating her snacks that Shikadai buy to her earlier.

This made Shino shocked, Sakuri was a chunin level as he thought. Now he knows Sakuri was the fastest in the class.

But still not announcing the winner, Shino let the students still fight inside the academy.

' Uchiha Sakuri. How did she learn tha flickering jutsu? ' Shino thought as he wrote the notes.

It was sun getting down. Sakuri was still in the rooftop near at the flag.

' My head is hurting again..' Sakuri thought as she hold her head

She recalled the dream she had yesterday. In the dream, the man appeared in front of her. Black long hair, wearing a red armor. She didn't haer what man was trying to say to her.

" Whose that man, anyway.." Sakuri said as she was about to untie her blindfold but she suddenly sense the chakra of her classmate making her tie it carefully.

She saw Boruto to the other side as the door explode making Boruto taken back. Boruto didn't saw Sakuri cause he still focusing how to get in the flag through these girls.

Cho-cho climbed to the edge of the rooftop enought to lift her up but suddenly the purple light surrounded to them making her stop and looked back.

Sakuri walk a lil bit to see what's happening down there only seeing Boruto was summoning the animal. Which it appeared and was about to hit Cho-cho. Making her jumped to dodge the debris.

If Cho-cho didn't jumped back, she will get injured. This making Boruto ended up run for her to catch her. Boruto made in time to catch Cho-cho with a help of Inojin and Shikadai.

" You..guys.."

" So much for being slick and fat. " Inojin said while holding them back.

" Boruto, it's really impressive but you overdid it." Shikadai said

" No, that's not it."

Sakuri was having a second thoughts if she should save Sarada's friends or not. Some of the voices did say to her mind again. Making her frown in annoyance that her head is hurting again like earlier.

Sakuri suddenly flew a blue orb from her hand and didn't know why she suddenly do that as the snake flew up to attack Boruto and the others.

" 卂乙ㄩ尺乇 "

A blue orb came from Sakuri was directly hit the white snake. The explasion expanded as the blue orb comptely killed the white snake. The blue light surrounded them for a second as the blue orb disaapeared.

Sakuri was standing there, watching faces. As Konahamaru came from above.

" You guys are okay!?" Konahamaru asked them as Boruto pulled Cho-cho up with help of his friends.

" Man, I'm so exhausted." Inojin said as he sit up to the ground.

Sakuri jumped and landed next to her sister, giving her the flag.

" Here.."

" Sakuri!! " Sarada said in surprise.

" No need to be loud.." Sakuri said in annoyance, rubbing her side of her head.

Everyone get down from the rooftop as the girls win from the test.

' Is Sakuri the one who cast that jutsu? The blue orb i saw is like powerful than rasengan..' Konohamaru thought while looking at Sakuri, unknown to him, Sakuri can feel his gaze on her which she ignored it.

" Are you okay? Sakuri?" Shikadai asked as he noticed Sakuri wasn't saying anything nor complaining.

" I'm fine..." Sakuri said as she nodded her head.

" Good..." Shikadai said as he smile lil bit.

Few days later, She's getting bored and bored in the academy. No fun as anything didn't get her interest. They have new classmate and Sakuri wasn't interest at all.

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