Cold Rumination

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A.N: Hi everyone, so this is a dark one. And quite angsty. Content Warnings:

- Mentions of teen molestation
- Mentions of attempted murder
- Justification of attempted murder
- Mental Health Issues (Anger. Severe people pleasing. Dependency on another. Manipulation)
- Attempted Rape
- Vigilante justice (bloody beating)
- Alludes to Hate Fucking

Yes. That is a laundry list of content warnings. But they need to be here. Like I said this will be dark. But it will end well. Consider yourself forewarned.


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"A thimble full of poison a day, keeps reality away..." - YourWorstKeptSecret


'You push me away and the air now is choking

I can't believe it, I can't let it go

You tell me it's real and it feels like I'm dying

You think you save me, hurting me just more'

As she sang and performed with her band, I watched. And as I watched, my heart clenched in my chest. What had I done? Why had I let her go? She had been a balm to my scorched and ragged soul. A guiding light in the infinite darkness of my life. A life, that up until her, had only been lit under artificial lights and a mask of makeup that hid the ravaged remains of my sense of self. Fame and fortune had eaten away at my purity for life, leaving a stain that grew larger with each passing sunrise. A festering sore that sent more and more rot through me day by day. It ate away at my heart and mind until I no longer recognised the man that I saw in the mirror.

Then she had come along, most unexpectedly. A simple case of misdirection had brought her to a venue where I and my group had been playing. Followed by a misread of a ticket by a doorman, because it had been pouring down outside and he had been so swamped by people there for the show. She had realised rather quickly that she was in the wrong place. But still, she had stayed, standing close to the front of the stage. And that was where my eyes had found her.

I could see clearly, as I gave my all to my performance, she was unsure and uncomfortable in her surroundings. She was a foreigner and she was lost. Somehow. Some way. She was lost. It was at that moment a rare feeling of sympathy flooded through me for the woman. She had looked so small and afraid in the sea of dancing people, moving to the thrashing melodies that my band and I had made, that I had grown concerned for her safety. So I had caught the attention of one of the English-speaking security guards and pointed her out. I had explained my worries and asked him to keep an eye on her throughout the show and then to bring her backstage when it was over.

My plan had been to make sure that she got back home, wherever home was that night, safely and without incident. As she was a foreigner I had assumed tourist and hotel. As it turned out, she had moved out to Japan to try and start over. It was then that I'd learned that she was running from something. Just like I was.

A Thimble Full Of Poison - A Ruki X OC Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now