Part 17 - McDonald's... again

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TW: fainting, hospital

(This is back to Savannah's POV)

After Annie left we decided to go to McDonald's for lunch. On the way over there Cameron started talking to Jure and Olivia started talking to Martin so that left me and Bojan. We were walking behind them and none of us dared to speak up. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was actually quite pleasant. The sound of our steps echoed in my ears and I took a deep breath. I guess Bojan took that as a clue to talk.

"Yesterday was fun," He smiled and pressed his lips together. "It really was. I wanted to call you before we came here." I glanced at him. He nodded and continued walking but I stopped. "I- um, I really like you, Bojan," I said. "In case you didn't know yet." I smiled and looked down. I heard him chuckle. "That's great," I looked up in confusion. "Because I really like you too, Savannah."

"Hey, lovebirds, we're here!" Martin called out a few meters ahead of us. We must've fallen behind while we we're talking. Bojan and I just laughed and jogged towards the group.

We entered the McDonald's and it was the same one I met Bojan at. Me, Jure, Cameron and Bojan sat down at a table while Olivia and Martin were getting us food. "So, how long ago did this band get together?" Cameron asked. "Well, we just started doing some jam sessions in 8th grade but when I got to high school, I met Martin and Matic and we invited Kris and Jan to join, who were playing at some other band before. So we officialy got together in 2017." Bojan explained. "Wow, that's amazing," I said. "It's so..." "Boring." Martin said when he and Olivia came back with our food. "It's boring." He smiled sarcasticaly. "No, it's not!" Bojan defended the story. "It's not boring." Olivia agreed with Bojan. "I don't know what are you on, but the story is really unoriginal. I like it," She added. "Me too," Cameron shrugged. "Whatever, guys, the food's here!" Jure exclaimed and we chuckled. Everyone grabbed their order and we started digging into it. We all went silent when we were eating because we were all hungry. The food was really good.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands. I'll be right back," I said as I stood up from the table and left it. I entered the bathroom and opened the water. I looked myself in the mirror and sighed as I let the water run over my hands. The room was quiet, kind of peaceful, only a few voices were faded, coming from the other side of the door. I dried my hands and straightened myself. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I suddenly felt weird and my heart was racing. My head started to spin so I leaned forward onto the sink. I thought closing my eyes would help, but it felt even worse. My body went numb and the last this I remember was someone calling out my name. I passed out.

Ringing in my ear. The pain in my head. The dizziness. I opened my eyes. Everything was bright for a few seconds before my eyes started to adjust to the light. I saw Olivia and Annie sitting in the room. It was a hospital room. I tried getting myself up when they noticed I was awake. Olivia rushed towards my bed and gripped my arm. "Lay back down, Sav," She said to me. "I'll call a doctor," Annie stood up from the chair and left the room. "What happened?" I asked. "We were sitting in McDonald's when I went to find you. You seemed pale before. When I opened the bathroom door you were collapsing on the floor. The boys had a car nearby, so we took you to the hospital." Liv explained. A few seconds later, before I could even thank them, a nurse stepped into my room. She looked around 30, brown hair, brown eyes. She was writing down something before she started talking. "Savannah, according to the report we received, your faint was caused by stress," She said to me. "Were you under a lot of stress recently? Anything that caused your anxiety to rise?" The nurse asked me. "I- I don't think so. I haven't done much in the last few days." I said to her. She wrote something down. "That's okay. This isn't uncommon at all, a lot of teenagers are dealing with this in the last years. It is probably not gonna happen again, just drink a lot of water and make sure not to stress yourself out too much." She smiled sweetly at me and left the room.

Annie sat down with me on the bed. "You can go home in like half an hour, they are packing your stuff," She smiled and stroked my arm. The doors opened again, now revealing Bojan. He was visibly relieved when he saw that I was okay. He stepped into the room and looked at Annie who stood up and walked away. I could swear I saw her wink at me before she and Olivia left the room. Bojan sat down in a chair beside my bed and took my hand into his. "How are you feeling?" He broke the silence after a few seconds. "I'm okay," I nodded reassuringly. He smiled softly. "I was scared shitless for you," He said. I chuckled at his comment and lifted myself up. "I'm sorry I worried you," I pressed my lips together. "That's fine. Just try not doing it again," He chuckled. "Can't promise anything," I shrugged before chuckling too.

After I got back my stuff we left the hospital. Bojan took me, Annie, Cam and Liv home with the car while Martin and Jure took a taxi. When we arrived at the apartment Cameron grabbed the bag they put everything in at the hospital and offered help but I told him I can manage. Bojan insisted on taking my hand, making sure that everything will be okay. He walked me up the stairs and Annie and Liv opened the door. As they waited for me to go in I asked them to give us a moment and they left.

"What a day, huh?" I chuckled. "Yeah," Bojan sighed. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. "I am. Thank you for everything today, you're a lifesaver. I'll go take a nap tho, don't worry." I smiled to reassure him. I loved how much he cared about my well being. "Well, if anything happens or you need anything, call me, okay?" He said. I smiled again and nodded, giving him a kiss on a cheek as a 'thank you'. "Take care, Savannah," He smiled to me. "You too. Bye, Bojan," I said before closing the door.

A/N: I'M BACK! Sorry for not updating the story for sooo long, I had a lot going on and my birthday is coming up so I just don't know about the next update. I don't really have motivation to write rn but I promise I'll try to stay active.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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