Part 10 - Rockstars

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I was looking around in a panic, I wasn't used to being on stage. But Bojan saw that, he took my hand and intertwined our fingers. My worries were immediately washed away. "Vem da greš," he started singing and squeezed my hand to encourage me. "Slišim stopinje, ki nosijo te stran." I joined it. We sang in sync now. "Če mi poveš, kje srce si pustila, da skrijem se vanj. Si že obrnila novo stran?" I looked at our table where the six people were just admiring us on stage and singing along.  "Do you wanna have some fun?" Bojan whispered to me. I nodded and smiled at him. "Just follow me." He said and smiled back. "A bi ostala še en dan, če trenutek ulovim?" He started walking off stage and to the public, which was now quiet and still. I did the same. "Ti povem vse skrivnosti in česa se bojim?" We were walking through people, but still held eye contact. The spotlight was following us. "Če napišem pesem slajšo, od jutrišnje noči?" His voice was angelic. I've never heard anyone with a better one. "Kupim karto do vesolja, če Zemlja pregori? Vem da greš, a zakaj se ti mudi? Priznam, da na glas se sprašujem, kje se boš znašla nocoj? Klasika ne zadostuje, ker si en delček uzela s seboj." We were now getting closer and when we were only a few centimetres apart he took my hand and spun me around slowly. We turned around and jogged towards the stage. "Vem da greš, zbledeli so verzi v tvojih očeh. Če mi poveš, kje sva se zgrešila in pozabila na smeh?" He looked me deep into my eyes and I felt almost as we'd be connected in some way. Just then, I completely forgot how many people were watching us. I wished that this moment could freeze and we'd stay like this forever. "Zašla vsak po svojih poteh." He now looked away, to the public. "Priznam da na glas se sprašujem, kje se boš znašla nocoj?" We were basically screaming into the microphones. The crowd joined us and started clapping along with the rhythm. "Klasika ne zadostuje, ker si en delček vzela s seboj, si en delček vzela s seboj, si en delček vzela." The song was coming to an end slowly and I started to feel amazing on stage. This was the kind of feeling when you feel like you're enough and you're just enjoying the moment without overthinking everything. I now understood why people liked singing on stage. With the crowd singing along, it was amazing. "Priznam, da na glas se sprašujem, kje se boš znašla nocoj? Klasika ne zadostuje, ker si en delček vzela s seboj,  si en delček vzela s seboj, si en delček vzela..." We finished the song and people went completely wild. They cheered and Bojan took my hand again and raised it in the air as we bowed. He then pulled me off stage and we went back to our table. "That was amazing." Annie cheered. "Bravoo!" Jure said and laughed. We earned a few claps from them and we sat down. "That was really fun." I admitted. "I'm glad it was." Bojan said.

After 4 rounds of drinks we decided it's time to leave the club and go home. It was way past midnight. I stumbled to the front door a little tipsy from the alcohol and the music faded when we stepped outside. Bojan held me tightly since I was barely able to walk. "Let me call a taxi." Olivia said. Before she could even pull her phone out of her pocket, Martin offered us a ride. "I could take you three home." He said and smiled. "You gotta drive the others, we don't want to bother." Olivia said back. Me and Annie stood there and laughed at every car passing us. We were really drunk. "You don't, really. I can just take you and Bojan can drive the others." He assured her. "Thank you, Martin. Let's go, drunks." She said and signalled us to get in the car. "Wait, Sav." Bojan said and I turned towards him. "Could I maybe get your number? For that second time, you know." He smiled.

"Second time?" Jan whispered to Jure. He was clearly confused. "I don't know anything about that too, man." Jure replied quietly and shrugged. "Of course!" I exclaimed and we exchanged numbers. "I'll call you." He said to me. "And I'll answer." I said back. He laughed and said goodbye. Four boys got into one car and we got into another.

"Bojan really likes her." Martin spoke up in the middle of driving. We sat in silence until then, mostly because Annie was half asleep and I was looking out the window. "You think so?" Liv replied. The two were sitting in the front, discussing mine and Bojan's love life obviously. "I know so." He said. "I haven't seen him look at another girl like this." He added. "I think Sav really likes him too." She smiled and glanced at Martin. "Good." He smiled and returned the look. "They'd be cute toghether." Olivia turned around to see me almost asleep too.

We got to the apartment and Martin helped Liv carry us up the stairs. "Thank you again. It was nice meeting you all. You're all amazing people." Olivia said to Martin when he was about to leave. "Nice meeting you too. I hope we could do this another time. It's all up to Bojan and Savannah right now." He chuckled. "Yep." Olivia giggled. "Good night." She added. "Good night." Martin replied. He turned around and walked down the stairs and Liv shut the door. Last thing I remember is turning around on the bed and the memories from tonight replaying in my head.

The stars above us ~ Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now