Part 9 - Clubbing

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Boys were walking around the place and meanwhile we were waiting for them to get to us, we talked about the strange event that happened to us before. "How convenient that we got thes VIP tickets right after Bojan saw Sav, right Annie?" Liv said sarcasticly and looked at me. "Yeah, such a coincidence." Annie said and giggled. I just rolled my eyes and smiled at them. These idiots.

After a few minutes the band said goodbye to the last people before coming our way. "Hello girls!" Jan greeted us and waved quickly. I looked at Bojan who was already looking at me. "You are the last ones here so maybe we could just go to the backstage?" He spoke up. We all agreed and made our way to there.

Annie was talking to Martin and Olivia was in a conversation with Jure and Jan. They were really getting along great. Kris and Bojan were aproaching me so I stepped towards them. "What made you guys invite us back here?" I asked them. "Bojan recognised you from McDonalds and remembered he owed you for switching your plate so he suggested to invite you three here." Kris laughed. Me and Bojan shared a look as we both started laughing. "You were totally trying to steal my meal." I snapped at him. "Well, in my defense, you did have a pretty similar order." He shrugged. Kris looked at his phone and excused himself. "I'll be right back, I just gotta call my mom, because we're having lunch tomorrow." He said and started walking away. That left me and Bojan there alone. "Any chance you maybe wanna grab drinks after this?" He asked me. I smiled at him. "Of course. Just us or the others too?" I asked back. "However you're comfortable." He smiled back. He was really thoughtful. "I really wouldn't mind going alone, but I promised Annie and Liv to not leave their side tonight. I had an incident last time I did." I said to him.

It was true, I once left with a boy a few years ago while I was with Kate and Liv in a club. I got really drunk but thanks to him I got home safely. I couldn't remember half that night and he texted me what happened.

"That's fine, we could go alone another time." He brightly smiled. "You want this to be more than a one time thing?" I asked him. I swear I could see him get red for a second, but Kris came back and interrupted us. "Sorry guys, I had to call her.I tried to make it as quick as possible. What're you talking about?" He said. Bojan started to open his mouth, but I interrupted him. "Bojan and I think we should all go out for drinks to celebrate the night." I said. "That's a great idea!" Kris agreed and we told everyone to get ready and left.

We entered a club. It was pretty dark so I held on to Annie who was walking in front of me. We sat down behind a table in the corner of the room, away from the crowd. "I'm going to order drinks. Anyone want anything?" Jan said and stood up. "I'm coming with you. You always mess up my order." Jure replied and the whole table laughed. "That's so not true!" Jan defended himself. "Calm down, Janči. We all know it's true, there's no need to defend yourself." Martin replied. We all gave our orders to the two boys and they left.

"Annie told me you are coming here for college in September and that you're not from Ljubljana. Where are you from?" Martin asked me. "If you're comfortable answering, of course." He quickly added. I reassured him it's okay with a smile and answer his question. "I'm actually from Ravne. It's about a 2 hours long drive from there to here so I'm going to stay with Annie in Ljubljana." I told him. "Considering that you're starting college, how old are you?" Bojan asked. "Oh, I'm 19." I answered.

Olivia then started telling them how we met and Jure and Jan just got back with the drinks. "Hey guys, what did we miss?" Jure asked as he put drinks on the table. "Nothing much." Liv smiled at him. They sat down and joined the conversation.

Bojan suddenly looked to the other side of the club where was a stage with a microphone. He came up with an idea. "Is anyone down to have some fun?" He playfully wiggled his eyebrows. He stood up and started walking towards the stage. "Join him." Kris said to me and before I knew it I was already walking with Bojan. He took my hand when we were passing through the crowd and my stomach was filled with butterflies.

We got on stage and the DJ quickly saw us so he turned down the music. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" Bojan spoke in the microphone. "I'm Bojan, the lead singer from the band Joker Out and this pretty lady here with me is Savannah." He introduced us. I could felt my cheeks heat up. "We will sing for you one of our songs, Vem da greš." He said and looked at me to clarify I know the lyrics. I nodded and a security guard brought another microphone for me. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into.

A/N: I'm gonna try to post another chapter tomorrow but I can't promise you anything. Let's have our fingers crossed 🤞

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