Part 13 - The date pt. 1

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Bojan parked the car in front of the supermarket, not far from the building where the movie will be playing. He stepped out and jogged to my side to open my door. He offered me a hand and I took it. "Thank you, Bojan." I smiled. "Anything for you m'lady." He chuckled and bowed. I flipped my hair over my shoulder in sarcasm and laughed with him.

We entered the building. There was a cool lego build by the doors of the Lego store. "Check that out!" I exclaimed and he laughed at my comment. "Here, take a picture for me, will you?" He handed me his phone and ran over to the life-sized statue of Darth Vader. He smiled widely and I took a photo. He looked absolutely adorable. "Let's take one together!" He said with excitement in his voice and I jumped to him. He held the phone up in the air and put an arm around me. I looked at him with surprise just as he took a photo. We laughed at it, and decided to take another. We both smiled and he clicked the button. "This one's cute." He looked at it. He opened the camera so he could make another selfie and just when he did I put a kiss on his cheek. It took him by surprise and he went red immediately. I giggled and snached his phone so I could send it to myself. "I like this one better." I said and clicked 'share' in the camera roll. "Ey, give it back!" He chuckled at me. I clicked 'send' just in time, because a second later he took it away from me and put in in his pocket. "Let's go get those snacks, shall we?" He said and gestured towards the store. I took his hand. "Let's go!" I said and ran into the store.

We were waiting for the elevator in the 10 storey building where the movie will be played in about 15 minutes. We bought some ice cream and some candy. We picked one by one, each of us selecting one we will be buying. The elevator finally arrived as the loud 'ding' was heard. The doors opened and we stepped into it, pressing the button for the highest floor and the doors closed. "Which movie are we watching?" I asked and glanced at him. "Twilight." He said, smirking. "I LOVE TWILIGHT!" I exclamed. "I'm glad I picked well." He laughed at my childness.

Another 'ding' was heard when the door opened at the top. We had to go up some stairs to reach the rooftop where a big projection screen was set up. There were a few people already there, finding their spot and setting down their things. "I'll go to the counter to show the tickets. You can go find the perfect spot, yeah?" He said. I nodded and I carried the snacks to some deckchairs in the back which were a little higher then the others so the view was perfect. I set down the snacks and took a seat in one of the chairs. It was a few minutes until the movie. I saw Bojan already walking towards me.

"We're all set." He smirked widely. God, I loved his smile. He sat beside me and put his hands behind his head before laying down and closing his eyes for a moment. He looked at me. "Do you believe in fate?" He asked. I was taken aback by his random question, but I answered quickly. "Yeah, deifinetly." I nodded. I believe that in a lot of theories like soulmates and fate. I think when two people are meant for eachother they will meet eventually, one way or another. "I feel like I was meant to switch our plates. Like something just told me take this one, you know?" He said, now looking at the sky and admiring it. "Shit, I just realized how stupid that sounds." He laughed at his own comment. "No, no, I know what you mean. I think so, too." I said and we shared a glance. Just for a second tho, because one of the staff spoke up. "Listen up! The movie will start playing now, I would ask all of you to silence your phones. Enjoy the movie!" He told us. The audience cheered and the intro started playing.

Sometime in between the movie I felt Bojan's eyes on me. I slowly turned my head towards him and giggled. "What is it?" I asked quietly, trying not to disturb the movie for others. "Do you know how gorgeous you look right now?" He said with a huge smile. I smiled back and mouthed him a 'thank you'. "Hey, do you wanna get out of here?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "Where do you wanna go?" I said. "Somewhere quiet." He replied and took my hand. He stood up and pulled me with him. We packed our stuff and left the place, chasing eachother down down 10 flights of stairs.

We were out of breath by the time we reached the car. It was so peaceful in it. We looked at eachother and bursted out laughing. "I totally won." He stated and crossed his hands. "So not true!" I replied and laughed. "How about we go stargazing?" He turned to me. "Are you serious?!" I was overly excited, I know, but this was my perfect date and it was planned by the guy that knew nothing about me. "If I didn't believe it before, now I just know you're my soulmate." I stated. He smiled proudly. "I'm so glad we feel the same." He started the car and drove away from the parking spot.

The stars above us ~ Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now