Part 14 - The date pt. 2

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We drove for about 20 minutes until we arrived at this hill which had a beautiful view of Ljubljana. It was a pretty forest-ish road to there, but at the end there was a meadow. I stepped out of the car and walked towards the magical place where the fireflies were flying around. It was amazing.

I turned around to look at Bojan, who was opening the trunk and getting out a blanket for us to lay down on. I smiled of the sight and he looked at me. "What are you smiling at?" He tilted his head and chuckled. "You're so pretty right now." I answered and I saw his cheeks go red. "You mean under little-to-no light?" He giggled and stepped towards me. He bent down and set the blanket on the grass. "Under any light." He looked at me and stood up. He moved closer to me and my heart sped up. He looked me deep into my eyes and then to my lips. My heart was pacing and I didn't know what was happening. I suddenly felt his hands on my waist as he closed the space between us. He kissed me and the time stopped. My hands found the way to his hair. I could stay like this forever.

A few moments later he pulled away and looked at me. We both smiled softly and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I ran away. He started running behind me and startled me to the floor. We started laughing and rolling around on the grass. Suddenly he stopped and looked me in the eyes. I smiled and he smiled back at me. I looked up into the sky full of stars, the galaxy beautifuly displayed on it.

"You see those two really bright stars right there?" I pointed to the sky, his gaze following my finger. "Yeah," He nodded. "They are the biggest stars in Orion." I told him. He looked surprised and amused "You know star constellations?" "Just a few," I shruged." My dad used to teach me about them when I was little," "That's so cool. Do you know any more?" He asked interested. I never thought he was into astronomy. I told him everything I know about stars and he paid attention from the start to the end.

We sat on the cold grass and stayed quiet for a few moments. Summer nights are the prettiest and most peaceful. I often just take a walk in the evenings, sitting on some bench and admiring the nature. "Hey, Savannah?" Bojan suddenly spoke up. "Yeah?" I replied. "You know how we were talking about fate?" " What about it?" "I think we met on purpose. There are no other explanations for me bumping into you in that McDonald's," He laughed. I love his laugh. And smile. "That's true," I joined in on the laughter. I smiled to him. He grined back and we stayed quiet again.

We talked about everything. About me coming here, about his band, I even told him some things about my family. We had a really good time for the rest of the night. Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. It was Liv and I excused myself before I answered. "Hey, Sav!" The voice from the other side of the phone cheered into the phone. "Hey, Liv!" I replied. "Are you two still on your date?" She asked me. "Yeah, we're on a hill that's got a great view of Ljubljana. It's really beautiful here," I said to her. "Oh, great! I'm just checking in that you're alive and well in case Bojan turned out to be a creep," She explained. Bojan heard the accusation and he looked startled by it. "Hey!" He shouted and Olivia and I laughed. "Thanks, Liv. We're having a great time. See you later," I assured her. "Okay. See you, Sav!" She said  before hanging. "You're friend's really not that nice, y'know?" He said and smirked. I chuckled "She's... something else." I told him.

When I checked the clock it was close to 11.00 so we got up and put the blanket back in the car. We sat into the car and started sriving back to the city.

"I had a really great time today," Bojan interrupted the silence. "Me too," I smile to him. We were closing up to my apartment and he started slowing down. He parked the car and got out to come open my door. When he did so, I spoke up again "I'll call you tomorrow?" I tried forming the words in a statement, but it came out more as a question. "I'd really like that," He smiled. I returned the smile and started walking towards the entrance of the building. I stopped right before it, taking one last glance back at Bojan, who was still smiling widely and leaning on his car. I opened the door and made my way up the stairs to the apartment.

I entered it and Liv and Annie were looking at me, obviously interested in what happened on the date. I walked to them and sat beside them on the couch. "Sooooo... How was it?" Annie asked, leaning back. "It was the most amazing night I ever had," I tell them. They both squealed and started drowning me in questions. I answered to a few of them, telling them what we did and how amazing it was, before I excused myself. "It's getting late and I'm exhaused from today. I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight," I told them and stood up.

I entered my room and got ready for bed before slipping into it and turning off the light. The memories of today filled my head and I smiled to myself. I really do like Bojan.

A/N: HEEEEEYYY!!! It's been quite a while! I've been kind of busy but I hope I'll have more time to write and upload more chapters!! (any feedback or comments are the best motivation ever and are always appreciated🫶)

The stars above us ~ Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now