Part 15 - Cinema

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I woke up by a strange loud noise coming from the kitchen. As much as I didn't want to get up from the comfortable position I was in, I was concerned for the humanity if the one cooking was Olivia. I yawned and got up lazily. When I walked the kitchen my body froze. There stood Cameron, who was now cleaninf up the mess he made when he spilled juice. "Cam!" I said excited, but flabbergasted. "Hey, Sav. I came a say early to surprise you. I'm assuming I've succeeded," He smiled at me. I gave him a big hug. "You're making waffles?" I asked, pulling away. "Yeah, your favourite." He said and poured the batter into the waffle maker. "You're a godsend," I said excitedly and sat down behind the kitchen island.

About 10 minutes later Cameron was finished making waffles and poured us some juice. Just as we sat down to eat, Annie and Liv entered the kitchen. "Did you two know about this?" I turned around to face them. "Who do you think let him in, dumbass?" Olivia laughed. The two sat down with us and Cam pushed them a plate with waffles. "Help yourself," He smiled.

We all ate in silence even tho we all had so much to say. When we finished Annie cleaned our plates. "It's so good to see you again, Cam." She said and smiled. I remembered our vacation together. Katy, Cam, Annie and I were out all the time. Those were the best 3 weeks of my life. "You too," Cam said. His voice pulled me out of my memories and I saw Olivia smiling at me. I smiled back and looked over to Cam. "Hey, do you maybe wanna go see  a movie?" I asked. "Yeah, that sounds fun!" Olivia exclaimed. "Sure, maybe you can show us the place Bojan took you to," Annie asked. Cameron looked at me confused. "Bojan? Who's Bojan?" He started asking. "Cam, relax. It's just a guy I met here and we went out once." I tried calming him down. "A guy? Aren't you here like one week?" He kept questioning me. "Yeah, but it's nothing serious. You know the band Joker Out? Their singer that Olivia kept shipping me with? I bumped into him the day we arrived and when he went to their concert he recognised me and asked me out next day." I explained. "Bojan Cvjetićanin? That's the one, right?" He was surprised. "Yeah, him. He's really nice." "Get us some free merch," Cameron chuckled and we joined in. I was relaxed now that I knew he wouldn't do something stupid. But I guess I can't blame him for it. He was right once. "So which place are we going and what are we watching?" Annie changed the topic. "Let's just go to the Cineplexx and watch the first thing that is playing." Olivia shrugged. "Good idea," I laughed "Let me just go get ready." I stood up and went into my room to change and do my make up. I was so happy I can hang out with Cameron again.

We were walking through the center of Ljubljana and decided to get some snacks for the cinema so we stopped in a shop near it. We grabbed some chips and candies, but decided to get popcorn in the cinema because it's just better there. We were just going to the check out and spotted Jure and Martin by the pastries. They noticed us too because the shop was filled with 'hello's and hugs. "Cameron, these are Jure and Martin and this is my brother Cameron." I introduced them and they shook their hands with smiles on their faces. "Nice to meet you, guys." Cameron said to them. They returned the gesture which was followed by another Cam's question. "How'd you all meet?" "At the concert." Martin replied. "So you're part of the band too? The bassist and drummer?" "Yeah. Are you a fan?" Jure chuckled. "I know a few songs." Cameron sweetly smiled. I love that they were getting along so well. "Do you wanna go see a movie with us?" Annie interrupted the conversation. "Yeah, sure. We have nothing to do anyways." Martin smiled. We all made our way to the cinema while chatting. The two boys and Cameron really hit it off too.

We went to see the new Fast & Furious movie that came out last month. It was pretty amazing. "This movie was awesome!" Liv exclaimed when we walked out of the auditorium. "Yeah, it was the best one yet," Martin agreed. "I don't know, I kinda liked the eighth one better." I shrugged. A phone started ringing in Jure's pocket. "It's Bojan," He told us, smiling at me. He picked up. "What's up?" Jure answered the phone. "Hey, man. Do you have time? I'm bored out of my mind right now." Bojan chimed through the speaker. "Sure. We're just out of the cinema, we bumped into Olivia, Annie, Savannah and her brother." Jure replied. "And you didn't invite me?? Rude." Bojan faked the offended voice. "You said you were busy writing something until like 4.00!" Jure defended himself. We all laughed. "I know, I'm joking. Where are you, I'll come right now?"

I impatiently waited for Bojan to appear when Cam sat beside me on a bench. "You alright?" He asked. I guess I was visibly nervous. Great. "Yeah, of course." I shook my head. He gave me a tight smile. "Bojan!" Jure greeted the boy coming through the doors of the shopping center/cinema. My eyes landed on his, seeing he was already looking at me. He smiled brightly and I returned the smile. God, he's so pretty.

A/N: Heyyy!! I'm sorry if this is bad, it's kinda rushed and I don't really have ideas what to write right now. I'll try uploading a bit more but I can't promise anything because I don't know what to write lol (if you have any requests or ideas pls help me out😭).
Also THANKS FOR 1K READS!! It means the world to me that you're supporting my book!!

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