If he noticed, he never showed it as he remained still in his place. Years had passed between us and we were different people now. I no longer wondered what he was up to after the night we ran into each other. I shed enough tears over him and moved on with my life.

That's what I at least thought but as he stood here, my heart drummed loudly in my chest, my pulse rose, and my mouth dried. I couldn't help the thoughts that trickled their way back into my head the more I stared at my living reminder.

My heart squeezed painfully in my chest over what some would have called young love. We were teenagers, after all, running around with each other all summer. It wasn't real love was it?

Reid's lips pressed into a thin line, his hands in his pockets. "Forgive me, Miss. Silvia," his eyes hardened from my rude interruption. "You're right we are in a professional setting." He crossed the room, inching closer to me. It took everything in me not to move and hold my ground.

My breaths lessened when I inhaled his scent; salted caramel, a wave of nostalgia crashed over me and struck me in the guy. He stopped in front of me and leaned his backside on the table beside me. "I have a proposal for you and your company. Your pitch was impressive."

I inhaled softly, my eyes cutting towards him. "What is the proposal?" My nerves were at an all-time high. WillamsCO was a Condo development company. His business was just shy of four and a half years and many wanted to be in business with him. EcoClove was one of those many. Reid founded WilliamsCo with two others and became CEO. He was 25 years old and already had a successful business. I wonder how he did it.

"My proposal," his eyes clung to mine, and a mysterious air surrounded him. "As an exchange for my company investing in your product. You come and work for me as a Civil Engineer. I've read up on your work and you would play a crucial role in this company."

I blinked, the words barely registered in my head. "I'm sorry, what makes you think I would come and be willing to work for you, Mr. Williams?" My eyes narrowed, blood roaring in my ears.

"Because the job I'm offering you offers more leeway and more experience than what your current job does." He tilted his chin up, and his warm gaze pierced through me. "You graduated top of your class yet you spend your time working on HVAC systems. This job also pays more, if experience is not your prerogative." He said, coolly.

"How much more," I bit my lip. His words hit me square in the gut. I hated my job, I thought I would climb my way to the top eventually when I was assigned HVACs on the first day but I've been stuck there ever since. The pay was decent but I knew there was more I could do.

He grabbed a notepad and pen from the center of the table and scribbled down a number. He slid it over to me to view. When I saw the notepad's contents my eyebrows shot up to my hairline and my jaw dropped.

He ripped off the piece of paper and folded it up into a neat square before tucking it gingerly in the pocket of my beige button-up. He leaned in, my body stilling when his voice was close to my ear. "Think about it, I'll need your answer within a week."

He stood up to his full height and left the room, his salted caramel scent trailing behind. I took in a deep breath, my pulse still racing underneath my skin. I unclenched my fingers and grabbed my bag, making my way towards the glass door.

The minute I got to my apartment I dropped everything and peeled my corporate clothes off. I half expected sweat to drench the back of my blouse when I took it off. Meetings always made me nervous but this one entirely flipped my stomach upside down.

I stepped into the shower, Reid's words running through my mind. Was I seriously thinking about his offer? How can I know he won't fuck me over again? Could I trust him? Did I want him as my boss?

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