twenty four - reality

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"You're engaged!?"

Jackson freezes on the spot and cusses under his breath. Damn, why didn't he check the caller ID!? "Hi mom." He says casually. "Vacay is awesome, thanks for as-"

"Jackson Avery, this is not a time for joking!" Catherine yells. "How dare you make such a decision alone!"

Jackson scowls. "Mom, I am basically 40 years old. I can make whatever damn decision I want to." He snaps, moving to an upper deck and away from Mae and Harriet dolphin spotting the other end of the deck.

"Not when you have our family fortune at your disposal! You realise she gets half when this-"

"Back the fuck up, mom." He glares at the deck as he paces. "I just got engaged 2 days ago - how you found out, I don't know - and we haven't even considered a date. We haven't considered the logistics and ins and outs. We want to live in the moment. As 'our' family fortune? I think you mean mine."

Catherine sucks in an angry breath. "I raised you better than this!" She snaps. "You have no respect for me!"

He rubs his face and all at once, the dam that was containing every emotion breaking and spilling it all in the open. "You think you're some Saint don't you? Like everyone has to bow down to you. Well guess what mom, fuck you. As of now, I will be taking the Avery inheritance from the Fox Foundation - my money. I will be doing it alone and so will you. I will not take you bad mouthing my fiance, questioning and dictating my choices, controlling everything I do. I am done. You're done." He snaps and slams the phone onto the deck, his foot smashing it with two hard stomps. His hands shake with anger and he exhales slowly. "Dammit." He mutters as it finally dawns on him what he actually just did.

Mae watches sadly and scoops Harriet up. "I have a plan little bean."

"Pan? Wike pacake?" Harriet asks as she bounces her legs.

Mae smiles. "You're just obsessed huh." She muses and hands her to the nanny. "Dress her in that white summer dress I got earlier." She asks and heads back up top. "Cassy?" She calls.

The ebony stewardess pokes her head out of a closet. "Miss Wigan?"

Mae spins around and heads over. "I need a boat ready to take us to shore. Any chance you've got contacts with a church ashore?"


Armed with a challenge, Mae leaves Cassy and heads up to find Jackson. He sits watching sunset with a whiskey, the bottle beside him as he gazes off into the distance. He jumps and looks up as Mae rubs his back, sitting on the arm of the chair he sits in. "Hi." He says with a shaky voice.

"Hi... I heard." She says gently. "Are you okay?"

"No." He admits, shaking his head once and downing his drink, refilling it. "Not in the slightest."

She runs her fingers up and down the nape of his neck. "I'm so sorry." She says gently. "There's not a lot I can say or do to help here."

He forces a smile. "It'll be okay. I don't think we'll be getting married anytime soon." He sips his drink again.

She hums. "Well, about that." She muses.

His eyebrow lazily quirks. "Mm?"

"I bought a dress today. Not an overly fancy one but I figured I'd wear it on our engagement party or something." She admits, chewing her cheek. "Or maybe on my wedding day. Today."

He chokes on his sip, wiping his mouth on his hand as he sets the glass down. "I'm s-sorry?" He coughs.

Mae smirks a little but tries to play it cool. "I was just thinking... planning this wedding may be the end of it. Your mom, MJ, Tyson... all would have very strong opinions. But not if we're already married."

matilda / j.averyWhere stories live. Discover now