twenty three - family vacation

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"Dophin!" Harriet shrieks as she lunges at the railing.

Mae grabs her around the waist. "What did we say about the railings!? Jackson! Seriously, a boat with a 3 year old!"

He leans back in his chair and pushes his sunglasses up. "Mae, you are worrying way too much. Harriet has been on boats a lot in her life."

Mae sits Harriet beside her and sits back on the booth couch as she looks out at the ocean behind Jackson. "You never told me you owned a yacht." She says for the 100th time, looking at him as she tilts her head.

"It isn't mine exactly." He shrugs. "Will you relax?"

"Not when your kid is set on launching herself off the edge!" Mae tuts.

Jackson laughs and takes her hands across the table. "Just relax. We are here for a vacation, okay? You know what one of those is, no?"

She shoves his hands away playfully. "Never heard of one."

He laughs again and sits back. "I know you haven't." He winks and motions to the stewardess. "Can you take Harriet below and settle her? Mae and I will take our dinner on the upper deck."

"Yes, Mr Avery." She nods and reaches over Mae to take Harriet.

Mae watches and turns to Jackson once they're gone. "You're okay letting- no, no I know your answer."

"They aren't strangers." He assures her.

"Exactly that! Knew it!" She tuts teasingly.

He laughs and shakes his head. "You've got to get used to this." He says gently.

"It's your money, not mine." Mae holds her hands up. "I'm okay with my wage and pension."

"You old lady." He tuts.

"The oldest." She smiles.

They make their way upstairs, Mae holding the bannister tightly as she gets used to walking on a surface that rocks gently side to side. She pauses at the top of the steps to admire the setting sun on the horizon, admiring the reflection on the water, too.

"I was thinking that we go ashore tomorrow, do some shopping." Jackson suggests as he pulls a chair out for her.

She sits as she thanks him. "What about Harriet?"

"She'll stay with the crew, she enjoys their attention." He sits down and pulls the Cork from the wine.

"It's her holiday, too." Mae tuts.

"I know, that's why we'll take her to the water park the day after tomorrow. They're doing a Bluey thing and you know she'll go wild." He smiles. "Okay?"

Mae relaxes and sighs. "Okay okay."

"Shut up, relax and eat." He orders as he sets his napkin over his lap.

"You're so damn bossy." She smirks and smiles. "I like it."

"Oh yeah? Good to know." He smirks, a glint in his blue eyes.


"What exactly are we looking for?" Mae asks as she looks around at some of the stalls, the farmers market full of fresh produce she just wants to snatch up.

"We're just cutting through to the stores. Unless you wanted to look?" He says as he leads, pulling her gently by her hand.

"I'll go wherever you want." She hums with a soft shrug.

Jackson smiles to himself and leads her down a side street; Italy is one of his favourite countries. Especially Positano. Hence why he wants to propose to her here. He's thought of a thousand different ways to ask and none of them seem right. Nothing feels extravagant enough but at the same time, too extravagant. Too much. But not enough.

matilda / j.averyWhere stories live. Discover now