four - first day

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"Mae Harriet Daphne Wigan, get your ass out that door

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"Mae Harriet Daphne Wigan, get your ass out that door."

Mae scowls at her friend on the screen. "But-"

"Mae! You have a job, you get to do what you love!" MJ tuts, laying back in her bunk and holding the phone above her. Her pep talk has been unsuccessful so far. "These people, they seem like good people to be around. I-I hate not being there to support you with this but this Teddy and Owen seem to know their stuff. I can't help you transition out, I'd drag you back in."

Mae sighs and leans on the kitchen counter, looking at her luxurious, furnished apartment. "I guess... did I show you the apartment?"

"No but you can show me later. Right now you need to hang up and get your ass to work!" MJ smirks.

She sighs deeply and groans. "Yes mom."

"Atta girl. Good luck, we all love and miss you. Mkay?" She smiles sadly.

"I love you, loser." Mae says gently.

MJ smiles. "Love you too, dork." She blows a kiss.

Mae waves and sighs as she ends the call. She grabs her bag and heads out of the apartment, heading to the parking garage where her new (to her) car sits. A chevy impala 67. Totally expensive, totally a fangirl moment, but she loves it. And this is her way of coping - spending money she's never really had chance to spend. She pulls into the parking lot outside the hospital and sits for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she climbs out and heads towards the entrance.

Teddy grins as she waits just inside. "Happy first day!"

Mae blushes and smiles. "Thank you. Chief Bailey really wanted me, huh. I only interviewed 3 days ago."

"Owen wasn't joking when he said he needs someone like you on his team." Teddy smiles. She holds out a staff phone and ID. "Phone's yours, don't lose it or IT will end you. Your ID may play up for a day or two but don't panic, there's always plenty of people around to help. And Owen is waiting for you in the pit when you are ready."

Mae takes a deep breath and nods, forcing a smile. "Let me at it then."

Once she's changed into a pair of dark blue scrubs, Teddy leads her to the pit, showing her around as they head down. "And this is the pit. Trauma 1, Trauma 2 and Trauma 3 are on your right. Cubicles 1 through 8 on your left - they are for urgent treatment. The rest of them are just round that corner. Cubicle 7 and 8 can be used as Trauma 4 if needed." Teddy explains.

Mae nods and tries to take it all in. "Alrighty."

"There she is." Hunt smiles as he comes over with a group of people in light blue scrubs. "Doctor Wigan, meet our 2nd year residents. Residents, meet our new Trauma surgeon."

Mae smiles awkwardly. "Sup."

"If they ever get in your way, kick their ass." Hunt smiles. "We have an incoming MVC, 3 minutes out. Wanna take the lead?"

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