We Found You

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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up with the memories from last night in my head. Luna came back to the room and immediately wanted me to get into bed and drink something while cuddling her. It tasted weird and she would not let anyone join, especially Amara and Hamah, but I told her that Amara was my teacher and Hamah saved me... She didn't care and would not let the others join either for a while... I told everyone that they should be treated fairly, but she said there was no more room on the bed. Hamah would not fit anyway and Amara said that she did not want to share a bed with so many people. When I woke up this morning, I felt fine, so I wondered what that potion did. If anything I just felt more calm or maybe it's because of what happened in the forest and that bath.

(Y/N)'s mind-I think I had enough space... It feels kind of nice now.

Breakfast felt relaxing again and after a good meal, I wanted to go grab a job to do... Zahara wanted to play, but I told her no transforming unless I said so. Hamah would not leave the group and go back to her tribe saying "I need to be watched". So Amara and Hamah need to get signed up into the guild and in our party before we do anything... At sign-ups...

Amara-You will find my skills to be recognized as SS-rank amount the Elf Kingdoms.

She showed them a card, but she still had to be tested which made her do a double backflip and she shot 6 arrows in the air to hit the heads of each mounted animal which left a lot of people speechless. Just then she held up her hand to snap her fingers showing that she timed the arrows going off with wind magic to cut the heads into pieces.

Amara-Need I show more?

Man-Umm... No.

Amara-Thought so.

She gave them her old card to be ranked SS-rank right away, but I only thought if she could teach me that move. Next up was Hamah, so she stepped into the ring with an A-rank adventurer. They both used hammers, but when the guy swung at her, she didn't go for him, but brought her bigger hammer up to guard and they smashed it. She grabbed them and threw them out of the ring and against the wall. The small crater she left in the ring scared people, but I saw her do stronger attacks. Towering over everyone made it scary enough for others, but they wanted to do a test of strength. She had to give her hammer to be examined while we waited in the guild... After that, she was granted S-Rank.

Zahara-Master, I wanna go play!

(Y/N)-Well.. Let's grab a job... How about the wyvern nest? It's B-rank.

She looked excited to play and Grace leaned closer into me for protection. Just as we were about to take the mission and leave... Guards came in and were heading for the counter and they had the crest of my family. I quickly hid behind Chelsie and Grace and behind Zahara. They went to the counter and Chelsie pulled me with her.

(Y/N)-Move! *whisper yell*

The girls got Grace and me out of there to keep us from going home. That has to be why they are here. Zahara and Hamah looked confused by this, but I can tell them later... Well, I'll have to tell Zahara again. When we got outside... there were more guards and others that looked like they were hired.

Guard#1-The prince and princess!


The girls got ready to fight, except for Grace and I. I never fought or even shot at a real person before. I don't want to do it now, so I ran in front of the girls to try and stop them, but none of them put their weapons down... I was more scared of Luna and Zahara getting mad while fighting.

(Y/N)-Wait, girls don't! Chelsie, they are from the castle!

Chelsie-I know! 

Warrior-Release the prince and princess at once!

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