Deep Dark Dungeon

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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were looking for work to do in town after we woke up this morning, but before we did that, we got Luna a license too. Chelsie said she got the guy she fought against and he looked really mad at Chelsie from the ring with Luna. All Luna had to do was land one good blow for her test to be done... I just thought it was a bit too much because when the match started, she quickly got the first punch and she was so fast that the punch to his face looked like a blur that knocked him out... That was over an hour ago and she is still being processed in the guild, but she came along with us to gather more plants. We didn't tell anyone she was an S-Rank monster because they saw her as a beast person. Today was an interesting day already, but even more now because Luna kept on hitting me with her wagging tail on the cart we were being pulled on to get to the job. This was supposed to help us relax and take it easy, but...

Chelsie-Would you stop doing that?!

Luna-Whatever do you mean? I'm just so happy to go on my first-ever mission. ~

Chelsie-You are putting that tail of yours all over him to mark him even more!

Luna-Oh, dear, I suppose my scent is getting all over him. You don't mind though, do you (Y/N), Honey? ~

Chelsie pulled me away from her to hold me close for the rest of the ride. I guess we still need to get used to each other, but now I smelled a little bit like Luna when she got out of the bath this morning. When we got off the cart I rented for us, we all got started.

(Luna's POV)

I sniffed the air and there were no monsters nearby, so it was safe. I wanted to stay with (Y/N) and have some fun with him since we were both going to be "F-Rank" adventurers or that would be my excuse to ease into him before I really had some fun teasing him. Sadly...

(Y/N)-Ok, I'll take this side of the valley and you both take the other side to the forest. Your nose can help find more hidden plants and stuff in trees and such.

Luna-Awwww, but don't you want to spend time with m-? ~

Just then, I was picked up from behind by Chelsie.

Chelsie-Great idea, Young Master (Y/N). We'll be over here and just don't forget that you can call us if you need anything. Bye. ~

He walked off and I pushed her arms apart to make her drop me. When I turned back to her, she was glaring at me, but I didn't really feel threatened by her even if she did have a few moves.

 When I turned back to her, she was glaring at me, but I didn't really feel threatened by her even if she did have a few moves

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Luna-Thanks for killing my fun.

Chelsie-You listen to me! I have cared for (Y/N) since he was a baby and saw him become this sweetheart, even when most of his family turned their backs on him and the rest were too stupid and blind to see!

Luna-Your point?

Chelsie-'I' had him first, 'I' took care of him, 'he' is my baby!

Luna-*Chuckle* Sure thing, Mama Bear. ~

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