Party Affairs

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(Calvin's POV)

Today was supposed to go smoothly, but not only was my youngest son so useless, he decided to cause so much trouble on an important day. I was asleep, so I was not noticed first, when I woke up with the girls this morning, I was told the castle was on alert because (Y/N) was missing. After quickly getting ready to play along with this, Vita launched a full search, but Aurora went to his room. That was stupid because if he was missing, his room would be the last place he would be. Aurora took it a step further by ordering the guards herself which means everyone is too busy to take us to the spot I had arranged to have the meeting for the hand of the princess.

Calvin's mind-When we find you, you are in 'big' trouble!

Soon Aurora came back and this time she had a note with her.

Aurora-Calvin, I found a note and it's in (Y/N)'s handwriting!

Vita-Let me see that!

She gave it to Vita and she read over it and I looked over her shoulder too... 

Calvin's mind-He ran away to go be an adventurer because he wanted to be as good as his brother?! WHAT AN IDIOT AND NOW MY PLANS ARE RUINED!!!

Vita-Guards, search far and wide of the kingdom! He couldn't have gone far!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Last night we met an old man riding a carriage full of stuff, so he was a merchant. Chelsie showed a symbol of my family and it got us a ride for the night to the next town, but I didn't want to use my family's name. We woke up this morning in the town and got off together and took directions to the guild. I thought I would see heroes in shining armor with righteous pride and honor all over their faces... Instead, I saw a few drunk people, leather armor, and almost nothing like I would see in a castle. While at the counter...

Man-Ma'am, how old is he?

Chelsie-7-years-old. I wasn't aware of an age limit for a license.

Man-Well, not technically, but it's not encouraged. At best, they could gather plants or hunt down small slimes.

(Y/N)-But they are harmless! I can't fire arrows at them!... I once killed a bad wolf.

Man-... Right, so gathering herbs and plants is the best we can give him after the test to see where both of you stand in the ranks.

He doesn't believe me?! Chelsie just paid for both of us with one silver coin and got 90 copper coins back for us both to sign up. She helped me which made me feel like a baby because I knew how to do it. 

Chelsie-Name your skills for me, Honey.

(Y/N)-Precise aiming, lightweight, and battle IQ.

Chelsie already had them written down, so I don't know why she wanted me to say that. Soon, we got to go in the back and Chelsie got to fight someone on a big stage while I only got to shoot targets.

(Y/N)'s mind-The whole point of me leaving was not to get treated like a baby!

Man-Ok, kiddo. You got 20 arrows and I will be keeping score. The tiny center is worth 10 points and every other ring is down a point ranging from 1 to 10. You need 50 points to pass the bare minimum and the rest is-.

I just pulled back and released an arrow to hit the very center for 10 points. He stopped talking and I kept on going and even moved around while doing it, but my final shot was when he threw a target in the air, so I shot it to hit the center. All he saw was split arrows in the middle before he looked at me.

(Y/N)-I'm very good at math. That's 200 points, right?

Man-P-Power counts too. Go wait and... I'll count these.

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