Sick Day

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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night night and Zahara was crying into me a little still after losing a fairy today and not getting her wish. She was mostly calm and I told her how good she did bringing in all of these bears for meat. We sold all of the lower-grade ones to get a few silver coins and kept the high-grade ones for Chelsie to cook for dinner. It all smelled really good, even Zahara who took a bath to get some sap and leaves off her butt and tear stains out of her face. She smelled like flowers now, but I couldn't enjoy it because I was scared of what would happen if she lost control. She was holding me close in a hug, so I hugged her back with my head resting on a boob to look her in the eyes.

Zahara-I had a really with and I poked out of the hole when a bear poked me with something... Now, I'll never find the fairy. *whimper*

I read about fairies and wondered if there is a wish-granting one... Maybe I can get sword skills with my current skills. That's if there weren't any rules attached to it, but from what Luna said.

Luna-Wish for whatever you want. It's a wish-granting fairy, Puppy.

I thought her nickname for me was silly, but I guess it doesn't really matter as long as it keeps tensions low in my party. Still, I wonder...

(Y/N)-What would you wish for?

Luna-To not share something of 'mine'.

I wonder what he meant by that, but just then Grace came out of her tent with new clothes on to sleep in and Chelsie walked over with S-rank food for everyone and the bear meat was only B-rank.

I wonder what he meant by that, but just then Grace came out of her tent with new clothes on to sleep in and Chelsie walked over with S-rank food for everyone and the bear meat was only B-rank

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Everyone loved Chelsie's food and I told them that she was an amazing cook while making her smile and blush

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Everyone loved Chelsie's food and I told them that she was an amazing cook while making her smile and blush. She then pulled me to her lap to try and feed me, so... everyone else wanted a turn. After dinner, I was full and getting sleepy, but...

Chelsie-I'll make you a fruit tart for dessert, Young Master. ~

Luna-Don't listen to her. I can run and get something from the town a couple of miles away. You'll love it if I feed you some yummy cake, right? ~

Zaharra-Oh, oh, Master! I know how to make yummy roasted chestnuts perfectly when they fell into my dungeon and then I melt some sugar from the sugar canes in there and they are so yummy! I wanna share some with you!

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