What's wrong with Potter?

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  Panic attack and abuse warning

Harry looked around the room. He couldn't believe he actually got a room! He thought they would chuck him in a cell and just grab him in the morning but instead he got a room. Head still reeling he looked around taking in every last detail of this room and he couldn't help the small giggle that came out when he realised the colour plan of the place.

The whole room was dressed up in varying silvers and greens like a Slytherin room.  Even though he was exhausted he decided to look around and figure out what was in this room. There was this room and two other doors. In this one there was a large bed covered in pillows and blankets Harry new it would all be so comfortable. There was also a small desk a bookshelf and an owl perch.

A rather nice prison he thought to himself.

Wandering towards the two doors he opens one and is met with a fully stocked bathroom with a bath and shower deciding to go back on later for a shower.

He turns away and heads towards the other door opening it he walks in to find a full walk in closet everything looks good quality and like they would suit me grabbing some pyjamas I head out and shower.

Harry's P.O.V

After a shower I'm no longer awake enough to do anything other then climb into bed and fall asleep. As soon as my head hits the pillow my eyes flutter close and I lose concussion.

Lil time skip

I toss and turn my dreams slowly  becoming nightmares. Where I'm met by hungry nights in the dark, flashes of green light changing my memories to those of the many that have died for me then for the last stretch of my nightmare all of Dumbles lies and half truthful words turn into knives cutting my skin and breaking me further.

I wake up sobbing my face hidden in pillows trying to silence myself.

Not wanting to return to those nightmares I sit there staring with unseeing eyes at the door massaging the blankets trying to stop the panic attack I can feel approaching I want safe.... I need safe... There is no safe here.

That's how I spend the rest of the night staring at the door with dead eyes fighting away a panic attack l.

Voldemorts P.OV

Walking to Potters door I prepare myself for more sarcasm but as I open the door I'm met with something entirely different.

Potter is sat staring but not seeing at the door. He looks on the verge of tears and is tangled in his sheets. I call out his name but get no response slowly I walk towards him.

Even when I'm next to him he still does not react. I slowly reach out and touch his shoulder he leans into it so I pet his hair and quietly talk to him slowly bringing him out of his trance back to the real world.

Harry's P.OV

Someone is petting my hair it feels good I like it.

Someone is talking the world is coming back to me.

Blinking slowly I look around and come face to face with the dark lord I let out a yelp all fall of the bed in surprise.

The dark lord just give me a look and says "10 minutes. Be ready outside." I Nod and he walks out as I stand up and head to the closet. Grabbing some clothes without thinking I put them on and meet the dark lord outside the room. (He's wearing white converse , a dark green shirt , black ripped jeans and a hoodie. I know it's not wizardy but I feel like this is what Harry would call his comfort clothes.)

Meeting Voldemort outside we come to a silent mutual agreement not to mention what just happened. So I follow him down to a dinning hall were all the Death Eaters who were there yesterday are sat around the table. Voldemort points to a seat next to his which I go to sit in.

There is food everywhere and with a nod of his head everyone starts digging in except me I pick up some sort of pastry and instead of eating it I just pick it apart not in the mood. After awhile Voldemort produces the book and I settle back ready for the next chapter.

What did people think? Do you want other filler chapters like this? What did you think of this side of Voldemort? Already started on the next chapter hoping to keep up with the frequent updates but no promises.


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