The new kid.

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Back to Harry's P.O.V

Harry's P.O.V

an older Tom riddle he look's like the Tom riddle  fought in the Diary except he's now 20 and hot.... 

Then the door closes and I'm left just staring at the wooden door whilst my brain process all this new found information. Still in a daze I walk back to the room I'm staying in I barely acknowledge the fact Nagina is still with me as I walk back I open the door and close it behind us both.

I have just swapped sides in this war.

I just called Voldemort hot.

I can protect my freinds.

Changing these are the three thoughts circling my head I curl up to sleep and as I doze off I decide that this was the right choice. This is what I should have done.

I slowly wake up that was one of the best sleeps I've had in God knows how long. I change into what the house elves have left on the bed and check the time. It's 8 in the morning which is really late for me. I'm normally up by four I guess that's one plus side from how the Dursleys raised me that I don't need much sleep.

I change into the outfit that the house elves had left out after changing I call out to Nagini who is stealing the last of my warmth from the bed. She slithers over and rests over my shoulders this could almost be a way of tom being the possessive man everyone says he is after all in the end I'm basically a trophy of his triumph over Dumbledore. Not that I mind I like me a possessive man.

As I reach the dining room I can hear some quiet chatter. Opening the door I'm met by the sight of Luna sat there with the others all sat staring at her or pointing there wands at her and The dark lord just looks amused. As soon as I entered everyone turned to look at me but I blank them as I basically run straight to Luna. I missed her so much.

I'm hugging her and she's hugging me back and petting my hair and I can feel her smile after finally calming down a bit I pull back to just stare at her. I can't help but smile and she stares back and smiles back. I sit next to her and I finally look around to be met with everyone just staring at me like they just saw a new side of me.

"What?" I ask looking around.

~You have never acted like that before and they are confused~ Voldemort says sounding a tiny bit jealous in my opinion but it's probably my imagination.

~Oh alright ~ I say turning back to Luna.

I grab some food for me and her and she catches me up on everything that has happened since they kidnapped me and I fill her in on everything that has happened to me including me switching sides and she nods the whole way through and near the end she says something I had completely forgotten about.

"Have you explained the whole thing behind your scar yet?"

"No I may have forgotten" I say slowly turning to face Voldemort who has one eyebrow raised and hisses out one word.

~Explain~   Preparing to hide as soon as I'm finished I launch into full explaining mode.

~Basically when you came to kill me as a baby your soul was so unstable that when you got hit by the killing curse a bit of it broke off and for some reason it decided to join with me so basically I'm your human horcrux. ~ I watch his reactions but he keeps the schooled.

~So your MY Horcrux and carry part of MY soul~

~Yes~ Not bothering to say that I'm not his

~Okay~ he says and then nothing else well that could of gone worse and I mean I don't mind being his.

I need your guys opinions on something I have reached a decision and don't know where to take it.

Do they finish reading this book and then the sequel is them fighting the light?

Or Do they read all the books before they fight the light? (This one isn't that appealing.)

Or do they never finish reading the story and instead get a summary of this book (from harry) which they react to and then do I do a sequel of taking down the light?

Or the same of the above except it is for each year before the sequel?

Or a mix and match? (if so please tell me of wich of the above.)

Please do pick one and give me some help cause I really don't know which one to go with so plese do comment cause depending on what is chosen changes the next few chapters. And if you do pick one then thank you so much.


Death eaters and Harry read the booksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora