They won't need to pretend

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Adrenaline rushes through her veins along with an all too familiar feeling; rage. Her and rage became quite good friends, although they met when she was much younger and scared to stand up for herself to her father, but still, rage was the only friend she truly had...that, and revenge. She had always hoped one day she would get her revenge against that monster who made her fear everything that moved, it took quite a while for her to adapt to the new world....then the much newer world after that, the world that fell into madness, the dead that terrorised her and she should've been afraid, she should've been terrified, but instead she felt relieved that she wouldn't have to face her pitiful father again, until she took his life... again. She got to experience life again, and to no surprise, everybody was the same as her father, monsters. It truly baffled her how so many people thrived off other people's fears and misery, how they reaped and they took. She remembers how somebody had took from her, how they took her purity, but that never shocked her. Nobody was around to help and it ended up being her first human kill, the man whose face haunts her nightmares became the reason she died a little on the inside and made her doubts about everyone. She was naive, sure, she had grown up hoping her father would eventually love her, but instead he slapped her with labels and hated her for her mother's death. This world was cruel, she knew that, but how can one be so cruel to blend with the dead and take what she cared for more than anything?

She wondered if that's how it had to be from now on...if they had to constantly sleep with one eye open and jump anytime she heard the slight movements of nature. She grew up feeling safe in the outdoors and now it's just a reminder that you're never truly safe. That's how this world was, a constant reminder that you are never truly safe, that nobody lives forever, even if they don't deserve death, he will collect. She saw red, dark red, bright red, she could even smell the blood that sprayed everywhere each time she sliced at the walkers head, she heard the screech of the humans who also dressed as they walkers, as she pierced her blade through them, she slit throats, cracked rib cages as she forcefully kicked them back. She watched their hands as they went for their blades, she didn't fear them, not now, instead she was tired of watching good people die.

"You die now. "

The whispers surrounded her like a wave of fire that burned her, took her breath from her, made her feel like she was the same little girl back at that cabin when her father would punish her for bringing a lukewarm beer, but instead of fearing those whispers, she embraced them. She always knew there was a certain darkness hidden away inside her, she knew it from the moment she stood over her father with a hunting knife in her hand, she was too weak then, but she was no longer weak. Instead, she smirks into the masked man's face like a maniac, she was enjoying this, she looked into his eyes and slowly drags her blade across his throat.

"No," she smirks," you die now. "She grits, her gaze never leaving his. She could taste the bitter taste of her fury every glance she took at Jesus laying lifeless and cold on the dirt floor. She could hear her brother call her name, she could feel him pulling her back and when she came too, she noticed they were all dead - with the help of the group, of course, but still, she felt no better. She let out a sob, she covers her mouth and turns away when Magna's gruff voice comes from her side. "It's not over, there's more. "She points to another wave of the dead - or living - she wasn't sure anymore, that approached them. They rush through the rusty gates, Daryl locks them behind them as they pull a very pained Eugene and dead Jesus through the darkness.

Katherine glances amongst the horizon, the orange light shining through the trees threatened to blind her, she squints as they run toward the horses. Katherine pulls the small gate ajar and drags the horses out for Eugene and Jesus to get on. Aaron throws Jesus's limp body over the back of one of the horses as they pull Eugene onto another. They walk along the road, Katherine felt numb, gripping her bloodied spear, she looked a mess, her hair matted with warm, wet blood, her face a crimson red, but she didn't even look phased, as though it wasn't the first time she had been seen with blood all over her - it wasn't, but how could she look so natural and out it?

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