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As the days went on nothing changed drastically. Three prisoners- Thomas, Big Tiny and Andrew died. Thomas tried to kill Rick, which ended up with a machete in his skull, then Andrew tried to attack and well, you could guess the rest. Big Tiny was scratched.

Katherine gets out of bed and stretches her limbs. She grabs her gear and exits the cell, down to the main lunchroom. "Mornin'" she grumble's, letting out a yawn.

"Morning," voices respond.

She grabs herself a granola bar and practically inhaled it. For the first time in awhile, she slept good. She could get use to it. The men were out clearing bodies, Katherine decided to help Carl make Hershel crutches.

"Take your time," she smiles and holds the door open to him that leads to the courtyard. Hershel exits and breathes in the fresh air, smiling as he does so.

"You cleared out all the bodies?" Hershel asks, slowly hobbling down the steps," It's starting to look like a place we can call home," he smiles.

"Did of all by myself," Katherine jokes and flexes her muscles. Hershel chuckles,"I believe you, Kathy," Hershel started calling her that awhile back.

"Alright Hershel!" Glenn's voice echoes the open fields. Kathrine chuckled at Daryl hushing him.

Maggie laughs at them, everyone was happy to finally see Hershel out and about, alive. It was a moment the group needed especially after these passed few days. Katherine smiles at Daryl, who out down some wood and watched his sister. Since the prisoners were around he was keeping a closer eye on her.

"Kat!" he calls quickly.

"Walkers!" Carl shouts before Daryl could. Katherine quickly turned around to see a herd of walkers heading their way.

"Shit! Come on!" she flings her arm around Hershel to get him inside.

"Help Lori, I'm fine!" Hershel shouts over the growls.

"You got this?" she asks Beth, who frantically nodded and helped her father up the steps.

Adrenaline rushed through Katherine as she started to take down walkers. Her blood pressure rose and she looked around to see Lori, Maggie and Carl heading into a cell block. She takes off after them, but a Walker grabs her. She screams in shock and wiggles it off her, Katherine slams the gate on its head, causing it to crack open and blood covered her hands.

"Lori! Carl!" she shouts through the cell block, it was full of walkers.

"Over here! Come on!" Maggie grabs her hand into the tombs.

Every turn there were walkers. How could this be? They cleared this half of the prison so far. Katherine covers her ears as a loud siren echoes the prison halls," What is that?" she shouts, pushing Carl in front of her to stop the walkers from getting him.

Katherine, Maggie, Carl and Lori continue walking through the dark corridors. They were unable to see due to the lack of light. Lori let's out a loud whimper and grips a pipe. Maggie and Katherine rush over to support her," Can you keep up?" Maggie asks, while Katherine wraps and arm around Lori to support her.

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