Bad Blood

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Was Alexandria truly a safe zone?

Katherine sat across from Aiden in Deanna's family home. She glares, her arms crossed over her chest," You got something you wanna say?" She scoffs.

Aiden leans his elbows on his knees," I still think it was a dumb idea to take you people in. "Katherine laughs," I'm not stupid. Your mom didn't take my people in to make a better community, she took us in because she needed our protection. How many able bodied men do you people truly have? Your mom took us in because we know what the hell we're doing. "She says completely unfazed.

Aiden's lip twitches, Katherine smirks in response. Deanna walks in with an unimpressed expression. "Katherine," she sighs. "I'm so sorry for the trouble my son has caused. I hope this doesn't make you look at our community any different than before. "Katherine takes her eyes off Aiden,"May I leave?" She stands up and straightens her shirt. "There's no bad blood on my end, but the next time your son causes a scene with my people I'll beat the shit out of him. "Deanna was shocked by how such horrible words could come from such an innocent face.

"I hope to see you at the Welcoming Party I'm throwing for you people. "

"Socialising with more of you idiots is the last thing I plan to do. "

"There will be alcohol. "Deanna responds.

"I'll see you later, Deanna. "She slips out the door.


Katherine met with Rick, Carol and Daryl afterward. They had all agreed that the Alexandrian's were too weak and they needed to take over or else they wouldn't survive. Carol thought it be best that she left the armoury window open so Katherine could slip in since she was the quietest.

"I snuck into the armoury the other day and got my blades back. "Katherine says casually.
"And you didn't mention it?" Carol asks incredulously.
Katherine purses her lips together, it had slipped her mind to even mention it," Forget I said that. Leave the window open for me and during the party I'll slip out. "Rick steps in front of them, his head tilted," And if somebody catches you?" Katherine snorts," I'm well able to take care of myself. Besides, these idiots can't even hold a butter knife correctly. "She say's confidently.

Rick was hesitant, but he let it go.
"Deanna likes you, says you're a very funny and sarcastic woman. "Carol states.

"It's not sarcasm, it's honesty. She's weak and the more we leave her in charge, the more we're risking our damn lives. "Katherine scoffs out with an irritated expression.
"You're an idiot. "Daryl laughs, ruffling her hair. Katherine groans and fixes her hair," I liked you better when you were grunts and grumbles. "She slaps his bicep, she walks off to shower for tonight.

The music was heard houses down as well with the laughs and chattering of the guests. Katherine prepared herself to be wildly irritated with human contact. She holds Judith close, her arm linked with Rick's. They walk up the steps and knock. Katherine taps her front impatiently. Eventually Aiden answered, Katherine groans and walks past him.

"Welcome. " he calls after her. She responds with a middle finger.

"Wow," Glenn points at her and laughs. "Never thought I'd see you in something other than jeans, a leather jacket and tank top. "Katherine rolls her eyes. "These heels are hurting me. "She moans out. "You look good. "Maggie compliments, her head poking out behind Glenn.
"Thank you, you look beautiful. "Katherine looks her up. "Carl got me this dress as revenge for pawning him off to Natalie and Billy... Bob.... Whatever his name is. "

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