Chapter 6

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Kitai stayed with Stain and Palette the next day. She might as well make the most of it and try to shove the memories down into the depths of her mind. She will have fun and then forget about it. She's heard of reasons why kids get abandoned and she isn't looking forward to the what if part of kids who were lucky to get abandoned.

She clung to the Stain doll most of the time just waiting for when they would want their doll back. They talked mostly since the call is supposed to be today and they want to be there. Every second just filled her with more and more anxiety to the point she just started vibrating.

She held her doll in a death grip when the two left the room. It didn't seem right. It felt like she was a stranger again and that she was just invited out of pity. The aura of the room was heavy as she felt like she was being choked. She held the plush crotchet doll close as if it would make it stop. A choked sob escaped her mouth as she tried to bite her tongues to make it better. She tasted the almost tasteless blood that flowed from the wound. It didn't help she stopped crying though. The chocking feeling got stronger as the tears got thinner and thinner.

Toxic's telltale yellow strings started weaving through her right ulna and to her phalanges. Her strings steadily and gently guided her hand to her neck and soon started chocking her with her own hand. The kid gasped feeling her magic being cut off and tried to pry off the hand until that to ended up being covered in the painfully bright yellow strings.

Hope whispered soft comfort to the distressed child. Sacrificial was watching silent throughout the whole thing. Her colorful Fresh-like clothes seemed dull in the watch room. She was itching to just use her abilities, but she knows the consequences of that, it isn't worth possibly killing and making the child unhealthy.

I looked over seeing the call being made just like Fate had wanted. It smiled as it greeted Sci in it's vessel. It smiled a disgustingly sweet one as it asked why he was calling. It obviously knows why, it itself made it so the results are later than it should have been. Curse being a younger deity I just wanted to punt Fate across the multiverse I don't care if it would also hurt the vessel the vessel should be dead. They should be resting in peace not having their reputation ruined because Fate got bored.

Hope finally let go of the kid after they calmed down their tears being hidden by the permanent ones. She looked down at the strings and then the ones still connected to her eyes. She had a blank expression again as she tugged on them again this time holding on to part closest to her eyes and the rest and tugged to her skull didn't get cracked again.

Toxic looked at the strings that forever laid on his hands. They emptily stared at the strings that fell down and now dangled loosely around Kitai's ulna most likely permanently if she doesn't get them off soon. Looks like Kitai is officially Toxic Hope touched. damn, she going to go crazy with what's about to happen. maybe a bit obsessive.

"You're not making it better Misery." Hope said tonelessly, I honestly forgot how unsettling that is to hear from the literal deity of hope and future deity of positivity.

"He knows and he's......being idiot." Peace said as she brought her eyes to the watchers.

I can't see shit out of hers except something that might give someone a seizure. Hope's is just creepy it used to be flowers but since the guardians messed up it's just been eyes. Mine used to be apple before and now it's just a leaf. Fuck you Fate I like apples.

Kitai perked up hearing the call. She walked to the kitchen and there it was Ink calling Sci. Swallowing her fear she walked up to Ink and climbed onto the counter and stared at Ink. Maybe her parents might not be that bad. They could be nice and just lost her, just like Dream says if you believe enough then there's a chance it will come true. Yeah, that seems like a good and totally healthy plan right Hope.

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