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A destructive dance of paint and strings traveling throughout this barren place. Paint creating new land just as quickly as the strings destroyed what didn't hit its target. Lights flew and colors were everywhere. An orange flame was lit with what little was left. 

The strings collided with the paint burning until the hot paint ran out. The black paint being the replacement, freezing the magic into harmless wires. Blasts were fired by then. Bones cracked and the smell of fabric and buildings burning filled the air.

A small patch of strings, and black paint managed to collide in a semi large pile. The paint transformed to a skull as blue marks webbed the arms and legs. The paint went down and filled in the gaps on the webs. Strings creeped up the face and created eyes. Paint rained once again from the deadly dance painting the webs black and filled any spots left unmade. The being solidified into a grey color and limply fell to the floor, peaceful snores were heard as the battle raged on.

Red strings came from the voiding ground and began to tug on the being. Screams were silenced by blasts and slashes of paint. The being wailed and squirmed until finally a swarm of blue butterflies cut the strings. The being disappeared with the flash of blue.

The skeleton brothers were checking the more popular stargazing spots to get any items left before the au reset and was lost forever. The Sans picked up a blanket while Papyrus picked up a pen that was near a tree almost hidden by grass. They both were about to continue to a new area, but Papyrus noticed something grey in the grass not far away. 

Papyrus walked to the grass. "Huh, bro what cha find?" Sans asked. "SANS THERES SOMETHING IN THE GRASS OVER THERE." The Papyrus said as he crouched down to get a better look. "SOMEONE LEFT A BABYBONES! SANS WE HAVE TO TAKE THEM TO ALPHYS THEY COULD BE SICK OR HURT!" Papyrus said panicked as he grabbed the babybones. "Wait what!? who would leave a babybones here, don't they know OuterTale is way too cold for other monsters, let alone babybones!?"Sans said annoyed, he could tell the child was low on magic and they even had bruises. 

It was safe to say though, whoever left the babybones here wanted them dead. "BROTHER, WE NEED TO BE QUICK WE CAN DISCUSS WHO LEFT THEM LATER, *sigh* PLEASE SHORTCUT US TO ALPHYS." Papyrus said. Sans smiled and shortcuts them to Alphys' lab. 

The two brothers got the babybones to Alphys and they were given a clear to take the child as long as they found the babybones' parent quickly. Sans was quick to take them to a different au since his was about to have a reset and he didn't want to risk the babybones' death.

The cycle went on and on until the child was 3.

"So where is this mystery child?" A creative skeleton said as he walked into the room. Eyes stared at the skeleton the pupils small and the eyelid going down in anger, turning the eye into a triangle like shape. No. The deity stared at the scene they watched through their eyes. Red strings tangled around the skeleton's body were visible to the deity. They aren't getting Hope's child.

Hello. The names Dex-orange, Dex for short. I and Haphephobic_Freak are friends of Forgotten_Name-Blue. Forgotten has been having trouble finding ideas and motivation so he asked us to help him out with writing. If you saw one of the few more recent comments that me and Forgotten has commented together due to us being close to each other at the time.

I came up with the idea while Blue and Haphe wrote the actual thing, I'm just here for grammar checks. Also, to prevent confusion, Blue decided it would be easier to just let me use his old oc Dex so yeah. Haphe and Forgotten are too antisocial to actually comment often so I'll probably be commenting more often. 

I use "-DO" when commenting, Haphe uses "-HF" and Blue uses "-FNB."

Haphe is also obsessed with using the glitchy text stuff. Duno why probably just bored, just a small heads up.

My keyboard doesn't have the keys for the rest so just try to figure it out. We all are using the same account to make it easier to edit stories and stuff, me and Haphe don't have Wattpad accounts anyway I don't really care about reading, I prefer writing and comics more. While Haphe.... I actually don't know about Haphe. eh whatever. 

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