Violet (chap 9)

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*ding dong* his brothers came back from work and seeing us on our sofa bed infront of the TV. "Yo Na- uhh hello?" I was shocked and shy "h-hello." "Who are you?" "I-." Nate interupts. "My girlfriend.Violet. Now welcome home." He give the most fake smile to his brothers. "Okay.gosh. Hello Vio." "Violet. Not Vio." Nate seem likely to be mad at the interuptions. "Yeah can you now go to your room?" His brother left us alone to their rooms. "Gosh. They are so annoying. Always bang into my room." He hugged me. "I'm hungry babe I want to eat." We walk to his kitchen and grab some snack and hot chocolate with marshmallow. We sat at the dining area and eat our snacks and drinks. "Yo Nathan. Can I borrow this?" His brother showed his other phone. He sighs "okay sure. But- only for 2 weeks make sure you give it back before 2 weeks" his brother suprisingly left the house with his phone right after without a thank you. "Wow your brother sucks- sorry to say" he nods while munching to his cookie. "He surely does."

"Forgot to introduce myself" a mystery voice from behind. "I'm Daniel. His middle brother." He reach for a handshake. "Ouh hello daniel." We shakes hand. "Nathan I'm going out for awhile if grandpa asks just say I'm out hanging with friends" "alright bro take care." He left the house. "So your grandpa is at home?" "No they will be home after this" I panicked. "How about me?!" He laughs "joking aside we going out after this so let's prepare." We went shower together to sped up the time right after we get dressed we rush to a restaurant for a breakfast/lunch. "Let's have our breakfast here? Why not?" We we're at an indian cuisine restaurant it was filled with customers and very crowded. "I want to pick my favourite, egg tossay with curry and mint sauce." He ordered the same. After our foods arrived we devoured our food complimeting it's very delicious. "It's time to go back home buddy." "Aww... I want to stay more." I pouts. He sighs "well...sadly time wasnt on our side babe..." He sent me to my rental house I stayed with my friends. Hugged him for last and a kiss. "See you tomorrow!" He waves a goodbye and went home.

Inside the house there are 2 figure staring at me " that ur new boyfriend??" "NEW?! WHAT THE HECK YOU MEAN NEW?!, well my first and last I guess?" They both were wooing me "someone got a dick now." I sighs "LO! STOP IT!" Lola and Octavia laughs at my frustrated. "Fuckers. Move away." I ran to my room with blushed cheeks. I quickly cool off myself and back to my desk where my PC at and my Ipad. I studied for 30 minutes and took a rest while scrolling through my Instagram reels. *ding* Nate texted me while I was playing genshin.

N : how are u doing darling?
V : was playing genshin and stopped
N : did i interupt u?
V : nah man. I get tired from alot of farming plus im starting to out of resin
N : owh damn
V : what u doing right now
N : i missed u.
V : ouw man... wanna come over?
N : ill think about it.
V : i go to your house?
N : sounds lovely
V : time?
N : 8.30 p.m, my room.
V : alright sir
N : so uhm i'll go shower okey?
V : okey!

He went to shower. Ouh how much I miss the time we showered together. I miss his touches. I miss his perfect body. I miss his attractive face. I miss everything about him. "You know what. I'm going to take shower again just to distract myself."

Claimed.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora