Nathan (chap 2)

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A notification pops out of my notification center "Huh? Who's this? Why I got mentioned?" I checked the story posted of a girl Vio.llen . Yes i did followed her because i saw her account on recommended user and it was at school. "She seem cool." At that moment i accidently have a small crush just the way she communicate with me. I scrolled my reels and a sudden video i would want to mention her so bad but i dont want to. "Fuck i'll just post i bet she won't notice." I posted the reels 'when i talk to her she seem cool' video.

The next morning, i woke up and it was online class. I attend all my online classes, do my homeworks and studied some subjects. On the sudden evening she texted me again and replied to my story "yo u workout? Do u have any tips for it?" I wasn't expecting much and told her about my experiences on healthy diet routine.


V : So u go to the gym right?
N : uhm yeah?
V : I was just you know wondering... u had any problems?? Im just guessing u stressed
N : ... wow. How you know?
V : good guesser i guess?
N : well...

Yeah We vents about our problems and know each other more better. As the day grew we became closer and closer each time we texted. She said she love starbucks mostly the matcha frappe with caramel drizzle and whip cream she always order. I was being my friendly self to everyone "Why not we go for a friend-date?"
Oh gosh. I really want to go out of this house and go chill with my friends but exams coming up i have to study. She replies after few minutes probably thinking. "Its a cool idea tho. Sadly my parents don't let me go out too much. Strict parents." Damnnit I'll just go to the gym instead. I truly understood about having strict parents i have to respect it. I take an excuse and went to the gym.

After gym i took a quick shower and ate my dinner with grandparents. I dont live with my parents since they live far from my school and I decide to stay with my grandparents house. My maid cooks dinner and it was delicious and healthy dinner so its great for after workout meal. I look at my schedule and studied abit before playing games on my laptop. Right after I was about to play games Violet texted me and asked how am I doing.


V : how are u?
N : ouh was after studying.
V : ouh damn. U have the motivation to study and I don't. Ugh.
N : just study dude u gotta force yourself sometimes.
V : well yeah.
N : mhm thats what im doing.
V : also its late rn goodnight babes ;)
N : ouh yeah goodnight!
V : don't mind it was a habit i called my friends babes so yeah
N : ouh no no i don't mind babes ;)
V : goodnight!
N : night!

"Huh why is the babe...meh fuck it." I just ignored the fact she called me babe. I'm just going to sleep.

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