poem #13~whispers of the mermaids

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Whispers of the Mermaids

Beneath the moonlit sheen, where waves gently play,

Mermaids arise in a mystical ballet.

With hair of seaweed, and tails that gleam,

In the ocean's embrace, where fantasies teem.

Eyes like pearls in the ocean's deep,

Mermaids of lore in secrets keep.

Scales that shimmer in the twilight's glow,

In the fabled depths, where stories grow.

Their songs, a lullaby, a haunting hymn,

In the maritime tales, where legends swim.

A melody that echoes through the night,

In the realm of mermaids, where dreams take flight.

Seductive allure in the ocean's mist,

Mermaids' enchantment, a sweet tryst.

With voices that weave a watery spell,

In the underwater kingdom, where mysteries dwell.

Legends of sailors entangled in their lore,

Mermaids' whispers forevermore.

A dance of tails in the moon's soft gleam,

In the ballad of mermaids, where fantasies dream.

So let the tales of mermaids gently sway,

In the ebb and flow of the ocean's ballet.

A mythical sonnet, where the deep sea hymns,

In the enchanting realm where mermaids swim.


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