poem #7~soul's symphony in nature's embrace

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Soul's Symphony in Nature's Embrace

Beneath the canopy of ancient trees,

My spirit hums in nature's melodies.

Roots intertwining with earth's heartbeat,

A sacred dance where spirits meet.

In the whispers of the wind, secrets unfold,

Nature's symphony, a story untold.

Mountains stand as silent mentors,

Guiding me through sacred centers.

I am the river's rhythm, a flowing song,

In nature's embrace, I truly belong.

As the sun caresses the morning dew,

I feel the warmth of nature renew.

A kinship with flowers, blossoms, and bees,

In their fragrance, my soul finds ease.

Butterflies flutter, a dance of rebirth,

In this sacred theatre of the Earth.

The moon above, a celestial guide,

In its glow, my spirit doth abide.

Stars sprinkle tales across the night,

A celestial canvas, pure and bright.

Barefoot on soil, a communion divine,

My spirit and nature forever entwine.

In the quiet moments, I find the key,

To unlock the depths of my soul's decree.

Nature's cathedral, where prayers are heard,

Every rustle and chirp, a sacred word.

I am but a chapter in the book of creation,

A spiritual being in nature's vibration.

With every sunrise and sunset's glow,

My spirit, with nature, continues to grow.

In this dance of existence, a harmonious trance,

I am spiritually connected to nature's expanse.


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