poem #2~ eclipsed hearts

73 13 11

Eclipsed Hearts

In the moonlit theater where shadows embrace,

Two souls entwined, a delicate grace.

A whispering breeze through the willow's song,

A clandestine dance where hearts belong.

Eclipsed in the softness of the night,

Lovers under stars, an ethereal sight.

A painter's palette, the sky ablaze,

In your gaze, a thousand sunsets blaze.

Your laughter, a melody, in my ear,

Each note is a promise, crystal clear.

Fingers entangled, a union profound,

In this love story, forever unbound.

Lips meet like petals in gentle rain,

A clandestine meeting, a love unfeigned.

In the language of touch, a silent vow,

Entangled souls, dancing here and now.

The universe pauses, a breath held tight,

As we write our love on the canvas of night.

Skin on skin, a masterpiece unfolds,

In the love story that our destiny molds.

Underneath the sable velvet sky,

Whispers of love, like a lullaby.

In the quiet interlude where dreams may start,

Two hearts eclipsed, a symphony of the heart.

~ M.W

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