Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Zack Pov

I needed to see her, every fiber in my body screamed for her. I have stuck through the castle walls secretly watching her and breathing in her scent. She was a carefree human and I could tell that everyone wasn't free with her and she was having issues accociating with anyone.

That afternoon I watched as she walked into the art gallery as she admire the room. I messed up I know I did and I let my lust take over me, and I harassed her, before I had a chance to apologize she had already ran out of the room.

I sat for awhile in the art Gallery breathing in her scent, I couldn't take it anymore. I want her to be close to me and next to me not too far away and I knew what I needed to do.

I exited the art gallery, the vibrant strokes of color still lingering in my mind. Making my way to the office, I instructed a guard to summon Killian. Anticipation hummed in the air, and as I settled into my chair, Killian entered, a formidable presence preceding him. With a bow, he inquired, "Alpha, how can I be of service?"

Unable to conceal my desire any longer, I declared, "I want her." Confusion etched across Killian's face as his eyes widened at the words that left my mouth.

"You know that is a hard thing to say you can't,you risk her life if anyone finds out you found your mate they will come after her" he responded, sensing the complexity of my request. My wolf stirred within, a primal force vying for control. I didn't care I will protect her till my last breath and no hard shall come her way.

"Do it killian, I can't control my Lycan any longer we need her and that it" i said.

"If word gets out your keeping a woman that close, it will arise suspicion" he responded I knew he was right, I have had several mistresses in the past but I have always kept them so far away and my current mistress was a witch named Linda. I haven't visited her since I found my mate and I have tured away her audience.

"I can't keep her too close, but she can't be too far. Moreover, she can't be a mere maid and she isn't supposed to be that she is meant to be a queen killian not a maid.," I explained, my resolve clear.

Killian sighed, realizing I was right.. we lycan can't control our wolves when it comes to our mate. I might go insane if I do not have her near me . "What would you have me do?" he asked, a sense of duty in his voice.

I growled in frustration, my wolf pushing against the constraints of my control. "Make her my mistress, but she must remain oblivious to my true identity as the Lucan king. Keep her to the west of the castle, and ensure her safety and make sure she doesn't leave the hall," I instructed, laying out the parameters that would allow me to have her without jeopardizing her well-being.

No one needed to know she was my mate in my castle, if outsiders got to know my mate was a human, they wil tried by all means to get her and I couldn't let that happen. The red enchantress still had supporters all over, the would'Ny hesitate at this opportunity to take her away from me.

Killian's eyes widened at the challenge before him. "As you wish," he acquiesced, turning to leave. However, I halted him with a final command. "Take care of her," I urged, a softer tone underscoring my earlier intensity.

He nodded and exited, leaving me to lean back into my seat. The anticipation of seeing her again, of having her close, overcame me. The thought of her safety, the delicate balance I sought to maintain, consumed my thoughts.

I sat doing office work for hours and soon killian retured and judging from his face I knew he had brought her into the west wing, the west wing had been abandoned for hundreds of years. The last person who lived the was the Grand Luna my mother, it was her prision and held her. Ever since my mother lost her mate she slipped into madness and her hatred for me grew.

So in other to lock her away I renovated the west wing to serve as her prison and her room. I had killed my father for the throne at my younger days. I decision I don't regret and never will.

My father had been a peaceful king, he hated wars and disputes and this gave room to many creatures and kingdoms taking away our territories.And to add to that the kingdom was falling apart the people needed a strong king and that made me step up.

The idea of putting my mate into the same room my mother had stayed till she breath her last and where I had grew up. Troubled me but I knew that is the only place she will be safe away from any troubling eyes or ears of my enemies.

Hours went by and I spent the hours working on paper work, till Killian returned with updates. "She's settled on the western edge of the castle grounds, as you requested. Unaware of your true identity, she remains under my discreet watch but I must say you may need to explain things to her your mate doesn't seems like someone who could be pushed around," he reported.

A sense of relief washed over me, though the longing for her presence intensified... I felt proud she had given killian a hard time at least she was a fighter. I knew I needed to see her and explain things to her.

. "Good," I replied, my gaze focused on the distance. "Keep it that way. I cannot risk her discovering the truth; it would only drive her away."

Killian nodded, understanding the delicate dance we were engaged in. "She lives her life, oblivious to the intricacies surrounding her. What more would you have me do?" he inquired.

I sighed, grappling with the complexities of my desires and the need for her safety. "I want you to make sure she doesn't feel neglected. Provide for her, ensure her happiness, but from the shadows. I want her to believe she's living her life independently," I explained, it would be for the best.

Killian's expression tightened as well as his fist. " don't tell me you intend to keep her prisoner there" his words left his lips as he stared at me.

"No i wouldn't, I will visit her regularly it's just for my own benefit and hers" i replied. The thought of seeing her made my heart skip I couldn't wait to have her in my arms.

"You should go see her, she is freaking out and believe me she is as cjngused as you are" he replied and i nob. As if I would ever tured down ever seeing my mate.

I stood on my feet as I made my way to the door, I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms.

The Alpha king Enchantress Where stories live. Discover now