Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

6 years later

Ciscra pov

Under the hot sun in the village, I spar with my best friend, Grey. We moved with skills out sword clashed and gilded seamlessly, we were surrounded with both young and old that had come to entertain themselves by watching us.

I moved with grace that I had boned through hours of training, when I was sixteen I encountered a retired gladiator fighter who was willing to teach me the ropes of being a warrior. And through him I and Grey who happened to be my best friend were able to fight with swords and many weapons soon after. Unfortunately the gladiator died a few months ago from unknown causes.

As we fought, Grey couldn't seem to match my skill, it was well known that I was the best fighter in the village even the older boys couldn't defeat me. As we fought, Grey began to grow tired, he grew tired as his stores began becoming sloppy and his defenses were weak. It was obvious I would win but he still didn't want to give up.

"It's not too hard to accept defeat" I said as I swung my swords above his head which he managed to avoid.

"Never, I will practice all through this week to beat you. My effort cannot be wasted," he said as he fought me

After a while I managed to put him under my sword. Which he finally gave up. The crowd cheered for me as I emerged the winner. Grey only rolls his eyes at this which caused me to giggle.

Not long after I had a voice call out to me from the edge of the clearing, I turned and froze as I saw my aunty staring at me with disapproval all over her face. Aunty Freya was the woman who raised me after the disappearance of my mother when I was five.

She took me in and took me far away from civilization as we lived in the middle of nowhere, in a small human village. In this village aunt Freya made me conceal my appearance each time I came out, to the rest of the village I was a young girl in her teens. But in reality I was a grown female of eighteen. The only person who knew the truth was Grey.

I walked towards Freya, getting ready to receive a good scolding from her. Just as I reached where she was she stared at me with a look of anger as I grin back at her.

"I know am not supposed to leave the mountains but chill, don't be mad I left. I just wanted to have fun" I said as I saw her face break into a smile as she tried to keep it together.

"Am only trying to protect you,come let's go" she said as she turned and began walking back without waiting to see if I joined her, over the years I have been puzzled by questions. Since I was nine Freya has always spoken about protecting me, but she never told me what she was protecting me from. All I know is that she freaks out each time I leave the house or disappear.

I turned to look at Gray as I nodded at him, he nobbed and waved back at me. He understood I needed to go home. With that I trailed after Freya. The strangest thing was that instead of living in the village like the rest of the people, aunt Freya preferred to live in the mountain where no one can get to, she went as far as making our home invisible to outsiders.

The villagers saw her as the witch, which they were right, she was indeed a witch. She sold medicine and charms to the villagers and she never aged. She helped me with my magic while growing up as she taught me how to control the chaos inside me and to keep a calm nature.

Not long after I got home, I change back to my normal self. I was a beautiful red headed lady with a beautiful pale skin and green eyes. You might think i'm normal but no, my appearance was magical, I have elf ears and my hair is just red but it is the color of blood and it stops at my feet.

I was currently wearing a black gown, as I walked into the house I knew she was waiting for me. I was tired of living in hiding and hiding from what I know nothing about, I always wanted to explore the world, not stay in a tiny village.

As i walked into the door of our cottage, which was filled with flowers and herbs and occupied beautifully made furnitures which was made with magic. I turned as I watch Freya already waiting to scold me.

" You need to stop going on about this nonsense, what if something happens to...," she trails off as interrupted her.

"What if! What if , you tell me nothing, aunt Freya except how I am in danger, you tell me to keep my appearance hidden, you tell me not to go out, you tell me all sorts of things aunt Freya. But you never tell me the reason" I snapped as I yelled at her, she needed to understand I wasn't a kid anymore and I could protect myself.

"Don't raise your voice on me child, I promised your mother I will keep you safe and I will,stop this at ones" she snapped back as she stood up on her feet and glared at me.

" You keep talking about her, but you never say anything about it, you can't protect me from something I have no idea about aunt Freya" I said as I turn to go to mu room.

Just as I was about to go to my room, she said. something that stopped me in my feet.

"She's alive, your mother is alive," she said as she stared at me, tears running from her eyes.

I turned to look at her and said " you told me she was dead, did she crawl back from the grave?" I said as I scoff.

"You need to have a seat, I will tell you everything. It's high time you know" she whispered, as she took a seat, I walked over to the nearest seat and seat down curious about everything.''

" I promised your mother, I will tell you this when you're eighteen, but you turned eighteen a few months ago. I was scared of telling you, I didn't want to lose you. I know you crave for freedom but you need to understand the measure these can be earned" Freya says with a low voice as looked at me.

"Your mother Freya, wasn't who you thought she was, she was a tyrant,and one of the most feared being in Eludell. She was so powerful that every creature feared her, she killed so many kings, slayed them with her curse words and beauty.

Klya, killed many kings, and went to wars against nations, she was the cause of the downfall of the Elf king. But she fell in love before that, she fell in love with the elven king, who loved her so much, and with this his kingdom propers under klya hands and he nevered lost to war but soon, his love turns to hate as klya wanted control of everything, he soon asked them to go their separate ways and she killed him because of this. And out of revenge she cursed the elven lands to be barren.
The elf's could not bring life to the world or grow their food. Soon they began turning to meat in order to survive. A general named Kal, took over from the late king and began the hunt for your mother, several men died and your mother soon discovered that she was pregnant." Freya said as she stopped to wipe her tears.

"She went into hiding and gave birth to you, after a few years, Kal had recruited other nations like that of the lycans, warlock to find your mother and with the help of her sister Asa, they were able to locate her everytime and with you she managed to get away" Freya whispered.

I stared at her in shock as I process this piece of information, I never knew my mother was a tyrant all I knew was that she was an enchantress, I didn't know what to say as I stared at freya shock.

"The last time I saw her, she brought me to your house and promised to return but never returned " I whispered as the memories replayed in my head. I was only seven when she left, she woke me up in the middle of the night, and took me to aunt freya home, saying she needed to run an errand and yet she never returned, I flinched as I came to understand what this meant.

"Where is she?, where is my mother" I said moving towards aunt freya, I felt sorry to have yell at her but I couldn't control it.

"She was captured and kept as a prisoner, the only knowledge I know is that the Lycan king knows of where is is kept.Freya says as my eyes widen, I have heard of rumors of a king, he was known to be a warlord and a tyrant.

But I wasn't bother about that all I was happy about was, My mother was alive, my mother was alive at that point I knew I needed to free her no matter what it takes.

"Now, your going to tell me everything" I whispered as Freya nobs at me.

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