7. Darkness Arises

Start from the beginning

Loona and Blitz took a bite...

Loona: "Oh f*ck, this is really good",

Blitz: "No kidding, this is the best breakfast I ever had."

Both were scarfing down the breakfast leaving the plate clean.

Kuro: "Oh my, you really like it?"

Blitz: "mhm" *looks at watch* oh sh*t M and M are about to arrive at work, we should get going.

Kuro managed to wash the dishes in a flash before Loona and Blitzo left the apartment. They all went down the apartment into the IMP van. Blitzo turned on the ignition starting the engine and drove off to the office

 Blitzo turned on the ignition starting the engine and drove off to the office

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# made in March 2023#

Kuro sat in the back with Loona. He looked outside of the car window seeing all the imps in the streets. It's almost like back at home he thought.

Kuro looked at his hands trying to remind himself of what he had dreamt last night. 

Kuro: "if felt too real to be dream...who was that" *to himself*

Loona turned to Kuro: "You said something Kuro?"

"Oh no, I was just talking to myself, I sometimes do that"


Loona looked at Kuro in concern

Loona: "Kuro, I heard you get up in such a panic this morning, you were breathing heavily".

Kuro: "You were awake?"

Loona: "I get up quite early, you know just to scroll on my phone"

Kuro: "Fair enough, I do that also"

Loona: "Anyways, did you have some sort of nightmare?"

Kuro looked down on himself, "I guess so, but it felt too real as something was inside of me and just awakened."

Loona looked at him in confusion.

Kuro: "It's hard to explain, but I saw something that was very mysterious and dark"

Loona: "Maybe it's some sort of future stuff, idk, got that from a few shows"

Kuro: "Hmm... you might be not far I guess."

He looked in the buildings passing by.

"Blitz, how long left to we reach to the office?"

*driving* "we're still a bit far from the office"

"Aight, imma have a quick nap, my head's kinda hurting, wake me up when we get there"

Loona looks at Kuro snoozing he was sleeping like a log.

"He sleeps so peacefully, kinda cute not gonna lie" Loona thought.

Kuro started to sleep whilst the car was running

Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami Origins X Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now