So Close!!

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We were still laughing when we got to the top of my road, but there was no way the coach was gonna get down. I told the driver to pull into the bus lane nearby, and Abi parks behind us (with a very swish handbrake turn, I might add)

I pulled my coat back on, and just as I went to put my pumps back on, I remembered how wet they were

"Awwww maaaaan!" I groaned

"Vas up?" Zayn asked

"My shoes are soaked, I can't even put them on." I whined

"What size are you?"Louis asked

"Ermm, a 5 or 6, why?"

"Try these!" niall said, handing me a pair of white, blue and grey nike hi-tops with bright blue laces in them.

"Thanks" I said, slipping them on

"It's okay" said Harry, as he walked off the bus. I was the last off, and as i stepped off, Liam looked at me, then saw my shoes in my hand, and then looked at my feet.

"Why are you wearing my shoes? I haven't even worn them myself yet!" he looked a mix between annoyed and upset.

"Sorry Liam! I didn't know, mate, you've just got the same sized feet, I assumed you wouldn't mind. Sorry." Niall said with real sincerity in his voice.

"S'okay bro, it's not your fault" Liam said and they both grinned at each other. I was so engrossed with watching the brotherly bond that they all had together, that I didn't notice Abi and Beth sneaking up behind me.


"AARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG, what are you doing???" I screamed, which got the lads attention all right!

"you wanna get your bags?" Beth asked, so the lads got their three bags between them, and I got my six. After the boys had put theirs onto the coach they took one of my bags each, and liam took the other one, so had two of my bags.

As we walked up the drive, Zayn came up behind me and made me jump, I'm not usually like this, but I'm around One Direction so...

"Vas 'appenin'?"he said in a calm voice which made me jump.

"ohhh, hey" I said, a little out of breath. Everyone making me jump and walking through this snow really wasn't helping my athsma issues, and the closer to my house we got the deeper it got, and it was already nearly to the top of my leg.

"I was thinking that you might want it back..."  he said, handing me my phone

"Thanks, I guess, but what have you done to it?"

"Nothing, just put our numbers in it, and managed to find yours, Abi's and Beth's out, and put them into ours."

"Thanks!" I said, giving him a hug "I owe you one" I could feel him smiling smugly into my shoulder, so I pulled away before he got the wrong idea, which made me feel slightly bad but hey, I only split up with someone, what... i dunno at some point this morning. 

"No, you really don't, you got us out of having to drive to London to see Simon, so I think we're even."

"Cool" I said, just as we got to the door. Then I looked around for my handbag which Niall was carrying, and it actually looked good on him which is slightly worrying. What's worse, is he seemed to be enjoying it!

"Oii!!," I shouted, but didnt get his attention, so I tried again.

"Niall horan!!" nothing

"Oiii, you big gay!!!" that worked, and he passed me my bag.

"Right, you lot stay here, my mom will kill me if I get snow in the house!" I quickly unlocked the house, took off Liams' trainers, slipped off my wet socks and jeans, and ran up the stairs to put on a pair of trackies and a matching T-shirt, pulling my new hoodie on as I ran downstairs, switched on the heating then grabbed my wet clothes and put them in the garage. I unlocked the garage door to let them all inside.

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