im am so stupid.... urgghh!!!why would i do that?!

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This chapters dedicated to 1D_cazza' 'cos even though i dont know her a lot shes helped me a lot and iam gratefull for all her support :D love youssss babeh!!! xxxx <3 <3 <3 xx

Song is one directions first single!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *runs around screaming with her tshirt over her face!*


"Niall," i gasped quickly letting go of Harry

"Courtney how could you do this? to him? to Abi? to yourself?" he asked looking really upset, i couldn't think of a reason why so like a child i pointed to Harry, letting anyone but myself take the blame for my mistakes. "HARRY! i said id talk to her for you! bu~"

"Wait! You knew? about how he felt?" i acussed feeling really mad how could he say anything to me about it when he was in the wrong too? " were supposed to be friends Niall!"

"We are... Were... urgh! i dunno anymore i think we are." he sighed clearly agatated.

"well what ever! im going to see my friends and my boyfriend..." it felt weired saying that after what had just happened "This never happend, okay?" i said as i walked away.

Oh god what have i done now? ive done some stupid stuff before, most of it Joe forced me to do, but this... this just felt wrong on so many levels but at the same time it felt so right aswell. Oh man... what a mess!


Niall's POV

Oh god! what the hell do they think their playing at! I mean Courtney and Liam are supposed to be together! What if Liam had gone to find them instead of me? lucky for them we'd mannaged to persuade him thar he needed some rest. It would have brroke his heart if he'd have seen it... Harry is supposed to be his best freind aswell!

" Fucking Hell, Harry! How could you?" i was really mad and my fist were balled up, i was ready to punch him, i was so mad. and i dont think he wants another black eye, the one from the joe incident is only just starting to go down, that fells like months ago not just over a week ago!

" i know im an idiot"

" an idiot?! try more allong the lines of: Cheating prick who just stood in the middle of a hospital corridor and made out with his best freinds girlfriend! oh my god what were you thinking?"

"Niall! one stop cursing its not you at all! and two do you think i dont fell bad already? what am i gunna do? he asked.

"Go home for a few days, clear your head. ill tell them you had a family emergancy and had to go home.

"okay" okay he said nodding his head and runing full pelt through the hospital.


Courtney's POV

I walked back to my room only to be stopped by Louis. "Lou seriously. move out of my way please im not in the mood.

"whoa whats happened? please tell me."

"No Louis, just drop it."

"okay well at least smile? we dont like seeing you upset. your always smiley! You look guilty, like you've just ran over a squiral, what've you done?" he asked sweetly changing tac-tiks. up untill then i had done so well not to cry, but i couldn't keep it up any longer i felt so guilty. Tears startted  to roll down my cheek.

"oh Louis," i said my voice cracking "im such an idiot!"

"hey, hey, hey!" he said in a soothing voice as he pulled me into a tight reasuring hug. i felt so safe their i felt protected from alll the bad things i had done in my life and all the bad things i was most likly going to do, that juts made me sob. Louis t-shirt was getting soaked but i didnt care. "come on lets get you to Liam?"

The guilt that ran through my body at just the mention of his name was too much. "I kissed Harry, please Louis you cant tell  anyone. promise you wont tell" i didnt know what to feel i felt so much emotion at once hurt for Liam, Abi, Niall and now Louis and guilt for kissing Harrry and enjoying it. i could feel my body start to shut  down, just like that time when... No i am not going back to that state not agin not after all the pain i caused not only my self but every one close to me.

After a long silence he simply nodded and led me back to my room.


*Stops running around and takes t shirt off her face* The way you filp your hair gets me over whelmed!!! you dont need make up to cover up!!!! but when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell you dont know oh oh you dont konw your beautiful!!! *Round of aplause* *takes a big bow* *falls over* OUCH!!!

Hey guys,

sorry about the long wait and  the short chapter. but i decided to do to short cahpters instead if one alrightish one. ive not really been up for writing lately so ive been editing my draft work on paper bfore typing it up which is why its takking me so long to upload sorry :/

i hope this chapters alright. you should know what to do by now, Vote comment and fan.

love you all.

Courtney xxx

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