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  • Dedicated to Abi scaife - for putting up with me for the last 3 years and the rest to come!!!

louis POV

well this isn't awkward, at all. Zayn and kendall are sat playing footsy in courtney's wheel chair, while beth has been asleep on Niall's chest, who was laid one one of the other beds that had been wheeled in for us, for about twenty minuets and hes about to fall off to sleep as well, while Courtney and Liam have been making out for about half an hour and are still at it if thats even possible. i tryed my hardest too blank them out abd concetrate on Harry who was trying to appolagse to Abi who was still winding him up about the whole holding her down and kissing her.

"hey can any one hear our version of forever young playing" i suddenly asked enjoying our music.

"OHHHHH SHIT!" courtney said diving into her trackie bottoms and pulling out her phone "shhh it's my mom, Liam behave a minuet" she said slaping his hand off her sholder and answering her phone

"hey mom whats up?... oh realy...  oh did he know... well thats compleate and utter shi... shizzle" she quickly corrected herself "no mom she cheated on me with him... no mum i wouldn't do that.... no errmm im not to sure.... no errm no... really thats great... realy no mum ewwww gross..... no beleve it or not it the one from one directioin.... errm Jack Wills.... picked up the same hoodie.... he tried it today... no he  hasn't any more... no.... nahhh mum its nice... errrm defined.... and comfy... shin arm and ribs head wound nope no badages but two pots..... tibia dislicated wrist and summet else... okay" i could only hear half the convo but i could  kind of pick up what she was on about.

"heey courtneys mum..." liam shouted in the general direction of the phone.

"Liam pack it in no ow, that hurt. look mom ill ring you  back liam's just attempting to bet me up.... oh yeah and on thursday Kendall will be here.... No that was lydia.... crookes.... no shes with Zayn..... okay ell illl see ya soon... love you too bye." she hung up and rubbed her leg where Liam had hit her scoweling at him making us all laugh but then they started to make out agin. so i looked away and the clock caught my eye.

"courtney you need your medicine," she grumbled at my information "in your bed it's two o'clock bed now!" she huffed and sat up. while me and Zayn carried her back to her bed.

"arrrg, why do you have to be resopnseable? it is so un fair." she chuntered the whole five step back to her own bed.


Liams POV

"arrrg, why do you have to be resopnseable? it is so un fair."Courtney complianed the whole five step back to her own bed.

"because, you told the nurse that yo didn't need her for your medicine and that you could do it?" harry offered as an answer

" i only told her that so i didn't have too be moved off liam AGIN" she argued

i watched as Abi climbed into the bed her ar Beth were ment to be sharing but now had to herself because Beth was asleep on Nialls bed with him and Kendall and Zayn were climbing into another bed next to beth and Niall who were oppisitte Abi. this ment that Harry and Louis had to share a bed Poor harry it isn't bad sleeping next to louis until he starts to sleep talk, Usaully about carrots.


It was about four in the morning when courtney woke me up, after a very light sleep. 

"Liam, are you awake?"

"yeah whats up?"

"can't sleep"

"me neither, come here"

"i nat got my crutches or chair louis took them off me!"

" im sure you can here. i'll lowe the bed down"

"okay, ow.ow.ow.ow." she said all the way to my bed. " i hate you right now!" she grumbled climbing up on to my bed

"iloveyou" i whispered as fast as possible hopeing she didn't here me, but instead of saying anything she just looked up at me and burried her head into my chest. i suddenly felt my leg vibrate, opening it i saw it was from courtney ' I love you to xxxxx'

"ahh babe..." i said feeling her snuggle deeper into my chest.

"yeah?" she mummbled into my chest

"errm...nothing... night love you" i said kissing her head

"love you too, night" she said wispering into my chest feeling her falling to sleep. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.


Beths POV

i woke up to see a very relaxed looking Niall smiling down at me.

" morning" he said making me smile

"morning" i said making him smile like a loonatic, i sat up and used his sholder as a head rest.

Louis suddenly sat blot uprite shouting NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the top of his lungs.

"Carrot snatcher agin?" Harry asked sitting up starteled at the sudden awakening.

"yeah but this time he took Hannah" he rushed

"Hannah?" courtney asked confussed

"yeah what would a carrot snatcher want with Hannah?" Abi asked

"No affence or owt" i added in to make sure he didnt take it the wrong way.


As you can tell im not to keen on Aurthors notes but i just need to say sorry this chapter isnt that long its  just i havent raelly had that much time between my exams and revision so i hope to get a longer chapter up soon. i was also wondering if you could give me any adviice and what you think.

thanks courtney xx

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