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  • Dedicated to One Dirction!!! xx <3

Niall's POV

Courtney turned towards Liam and burried her head into his chest. I looked at Louis and walked over to him. "can we talk?" i asked. He looked confussed at first then a hint of understanding showed on his face before he agreed.

when we stepped out of the room we just looked at each other "whats goin on Niall? What do you know, cos from what Courtney's told me you only saw cos she dint explian anythin and doubts Harry's told you! in fact where is Harry?!"

"I know enough to know that Courtney decided to cheat on Liam with Harry!" the disgust was presant in my voice.

" clearly you know nothing of whats actually going on! cos i know exactly whats happened!" and with that he explained everything that had gone on, how Courtney had gone to see if Harry was okay after he'd stormed out, how she'd said that she felt something for him and he told her he realy does like her and then he kissed her and she couldn't help but kiss him back and it wasn't like they had planned to meet up or anything!

"Now answer my question! WHERE. IS. HARRY?!?!?!"

"oh... ummm..urgh i dont know! probably on his train by now!"

"why would he be on a train?"

"ohh... he had a family emergancy and had to leave straight away?" it was more a question then a statement, but it was an anwser and the best i could do on the spot.

"Okay?... but your an idiot you know that right?!" he sounded weary but i left it and he walked away.



okay guys i know its short but its just a filler cos this next chapters takin forever to type up and edit. and i havent had much time esspecially with my mum gettin engaged and everythin this weekend so hopefully it'll be up soon :)

hope this is enough till then and yes i know irt's pritty shiteee but oh well its better then nowt :D xxx

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