Sounding like the seagulls off of Nemo!!!

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*jumps oout in frount of you!* im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah wooooooooo!!!!! things in my family startin to get a bit happier :D and im starting to get over my depression so alls good :D and hopefully ill be able to write a lot more often :) *does a danece* whooooaaaaa yeeaaahhhhhhh!

so ummm yeah sorry bout that. the dedication goes to MrsTurtleStyles who got to hug Harry styles!!! the luckky thing!!!! now you *points at you!* yes you! Go read!!!


"have you been crying?" wow Liam is really good at pointing out the obvious! i mently noted including the sarcasum. i kept quiet as i went over too him. I climbed on to the bed and burried my head into his chest as he put his arm firmly around my waist and kissed the top of my head. i stayed silent as a a single tear slid down my cheeck. "it's gunna be okay." he wispered into my hair, I looked up at him through my lashes and gave a weak smile. Reaching up i kissed him gently at first, then as the guilt started to set in agin, more eargerly. his arms around my waist pulled me closer to him as my hands tangled in his hair.

I forgot about every one else in the room untill some one cleared their throat. I turned around to see Niall standing open mothed in the door way. Louis was stairing at him, did i not tell him that Niall knew? ooppps my bad! "Close your mouth Niall, your not a cod fish" i said giving them both a look that said we'll talk later. I heard some one laughing behind me, i turned my head to see Liam and Abi sniggering  at each other.

"and whats so funny Mister Pane?" i asked taking a sip of his 7Up, which is a bad choice of drink around me Abi and Kendall. (A/N isn't it ABIAGIL??? what happened at my 14th birthday party ABIGAIL?!?!?!?! Tell them ABI!! GO ON!!! in the comments what happened at my party when me you and Kendall had 7Up?!?!?!)

"Well... Mrs Payne~" I cut him off almost choaking on my drink.

"Mrs Payne?" i asked curious. poor Liam went bright red and realy embarrased

"HEY BITCH! shes mine!" I smiled at Kendall thankfully, and she returned it by  mouthing 'YOU OWE ME!'

"actually i think you'll find she's mine!" beth said joining in!

"Mine!" oh dear Abis involved this is where it gets aggresive, Physicly.

"MINE!" Louis

"MINE!" Zayn

"MINE!" Hannah

"MINE!" Niall








"MINE!" after Niall joined in i lost track of who i was supposed to belong to. i just sat laughing genuinly enjoying myself even though i felt so guilty.

"OW ABI! what was that for?!" Louis compliand rubbing his arm were Abi must have hit him.

"cos shes mine all mine!"

"actually i think you'll find..." oh great here we go agin! (A/N *cue roling of the eyes*)









"JEEZZZZZ GUYS! you sound like the seagulls on finding Nemo! Mine, mine mine mine!!! and if i belong to anyone its between Beckiie ~" i heard a few gasps at this point "and Tarsha!" i finished and every one gasped!

If some one who, didn't have a jiffy blue about what was happening in there at that moment in time, they would have seen eight pairs of eyes looking at me. and i have to admit i was pritty crreped out by it. "jokes guys!" i chuckeled setting us all off into uncontrolable laughter.


there you go guys sorry it was so short but i was writing this at about one AM cos Abi was forcing me to :L Big twist next chappie hopefully :D and hopefully its gunna be quite long so its gunna take ages to type up esspecially scince i go on holiday tuesday for about two weeks i think :/ but you know the rutine by now Vote comment fann ect... if you v=ahvent already :)

lots of loveee

courtney xxx

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