Changing their one direction

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  • Dedicated to Niaomi Smith- RIP

"THATS IT!!!!" I screamed "I've had it! I'm sick and tired of you thinking you can mess with my heart like you do!!!"

Hey guys, I'm Courtney, I'm 16 years old and I've had my fair share of heartbreaks, as you can see. That was another argument with my boyfriend of three years, Joe, and when I say its over, I mean it this time.

My heart is not for messing with, and its about time people knew this. 


That's it me, and Joe are officially over.

He left my house three hours ago, and there's been no phone call or text like usual, so this it it, I'm single again. I guess I'd better let Beth and Abi know (they're my two best friends in the world and have seen me through thick and thin, without them I'd be screwed, and don't they know it!) 

Picking up my phone, I stared at it for a while, then pressed the call button. I rang Beth first who put it on speaker so Abi could here. We were all there, all except Kendall she moved away 6 months ago and no ones seen or heard from her since. 

"Hey" I sighed  

"hi" they chorused

"We saw on facebook, you okay???" added Beth

"Well it's for definate this time, no going back. I'm just so sick of being messed with, guys. It's just so unfair! I gave him everythin' and he just threw it all back at me. I can't do this anymore I'm 16, I shouldn't be in this mess. I should be out having fun, not stuck at home 'cos he told me to!!!"

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down!" trust Beth to say that! Abi doesn't get stuff like this, she's more of a tom-boy "look he's a useless waste of oxygen, you don't need him, you've got us!"

"Look, let's meet up somewhere, it'll get you out of the house and cheer you up. How about Pentland?" Trust Abs to pick the park, I could tell she was hoping I wasn't gonna say what I always say when me and Joe split, but I was, so hey, tough shit, I'm depressed she has no choice in the matter!

"Nah, I don't feel up for the park, how about medowhall?"

I heard Abi groan and then a sharp 'ouch that hurt' and Beth was saying

"Yeah sure meet you there in an hour?"

"Actually, I was hoping you could pick me up, mums I don't feel like tramming it." I was the only one of us who wasnt legal to drive yet, but that was all going to change in just under a month, because I was officially going to be 17, it winds my brother up so much when i say im 17 when I'm not yet.

"yeah okay see you in an hour" 

"okay byee" I said in an unusually sad voice, it was rare I was sad but this was just one of those days so i just had to deal with it. 

"bye babes see ya soon" said Beth

"Laters!" added abi in their usual cheerful voices, I dont know what they do, but I always feel better after talking to them.

Guess I'd better get ready then.

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