The Beginning Page

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Hello there Everyone! Welcome to The 2nd Arsenal Idea Book I have made for NightingaleMachina and his "o.W.n./Cult of Personality: True Heroes of the World" Collaboration Crossover Book, where I decided to make a 2nd Book just like how I've also made a 2nd Arsenal Ideas Book for deathall935 on Wattpad as well.

This 2nd Arsenal Ideas Book will be showing Newer Ideas that NightingaleMachina could put into the "o.W.n./Cult of Personality: True Heroes of the World" Collaboration Crossover Book later on, while I'll also make some Updated Ideas of those Older Ideas I've made on the previous pages of that 1st Arsenal Ideas Book.

I also might be doing some Requests for Upcoming Ideas from other Wattpad Users, and perhaps while also including PauloGamenha (aka JeymisPeixoto and PatrickEstvo on Wattpad), nathaneskell, Another_fella (I've seen his Brown Cameraman Book, and I'm already a big Fan of it. And if he wants to give me some Ideas, then he could if he wants), and possibly some more.

And in the upcoming future, I'll might be showing NightingaleMachina's "o.W.n./Cult of Personality: True Heroes of the World" Collaboration Crossover Book on my DeviantArt Profile, but I'll just ask NightingaleMachina first before I could do it, so that I will know if he's alright with me doing that.

I'll be seeing all of you guys on the next upcoming pages, where I'll show something for The "o.W.n. (Our World Now)/Cult of Personality" Faction during Season 1 in NightingaleMachina's "o.W.n./Cult of Personality: True Heroes of the World" Collaboration Crossover Book later on. And like always, Peace Out Everyone!!! Also one more thing, Merry Early Christmas Everybody!!!

The 2nd "o.W.n./CoP: THotW" Idea BookKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat