That was probably the first time I heard Selena in awe of Theo.

"Anyway," She cleared her throat and returned to her story telling. "I was so relieved when that happened. That fuckin' idiot deserve it! After that, Theo checked on me, making sure I was okay. But that stalker, who seemed to have nine lives, came to life and stabbed Theo in the back. And of course your mafia husband--"

Selena stopped there. She said what Theo did next might be too much for me.

Why was everyone assuming I wouldn't stomach this kind of thing? Do I seem weak and fragile to them? Did they think I would be horrified by this kind of stuff?

Why was everyone so sure of my reaction? Sure, I didn't really like watching gruesome and grotesque films, but that didn't mean I wouldn't handle what my husband was doing. But recalling the danger of what transpired today, when Theo didn't hesitate to kill that man, he asked me to cover my ears and he shielded my eyes so I didn't have to witness the brutality of the scene.

Even he believed I wouldn't be able to handle it, and that's why he took extra precautions to protect me from it.

"To make the long story short, the stalker was pretty seriously injured and I wasn't even sure if he would survive. And Theo was rushed to the hospital for an operation as he was losing a lot of blood."

"Why didn't you tell me immediately?"

"He made me promise not to tell you, or anyone, anything. He warned me that if I said a word, I would regret it. I owe that guy a huge debt of gratitude for saving me so I need to comply. I'm actually curious how did he manage to keep it a secret from everyone. Maybe he was that powerful? Anyway, I'm so sorry Lia for not telling you about it sooner, but since you already know he got hospitalized, I'm free to tell you my side. Just don't tell him you heard it from me."

From the background, I could hear Selena getting called by her manager already. She told them she was in the middle of something important, and would be back shortly. She sounded frustrated and annoyed, as if she was getting tired of her manager's constant interruptions.

"Anyway, I have to go soon. I'm so thankful for your husband's help, really. But I still don't approve of him for you. Especially when he asked me not to tell you anything."

"S. Give him the benefit of the doubt. I bet he just didn't want me to worry." I reasoned out.

"Yeah, right. Maybe that or he just didn't want you to see a certain someone." Selena's tone was dripping with disdain when she said the last two words.

I was almost afraid to ask what she meant, but at the same time I already had an idea what she was implying and who she was referring to. But I still wanted to know. My heart was in my throat as I hesitantly asked for clarification. "Certain someone?"

"His friends came over to see him. So, it's either he didn't want you to worry or he is worried about what will happen if you come and see her."

I didn't say anything after that. My silence was a sign to Selena that I had heard enough already. I already had an idea of what was going on.

She said her goodbyes and told me she'd keep in touch before ending the call.

I didn't get the chance to tell her what had happened to me this afternoon. Aside from not wanting her to worry, her whole story caught me off guard.

It made me speechless.

And fuckin annoyed, freakin' hurt, and unbelievably angry.

* * * * * *

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