Chapter 30: Heartburn and Compliments

Start from the beginning

“It sounds fun.” I remark.

“It was. I wouldn't change much because it's those good times back then that kept me going in my darkest times. What about you?”

“Mkhulu is my only family in this world. And he is more than enough.” I breathe, a sigh escaping my lips.

“But I can see it in his eyes sometimes when we're gathered for dinner and it's just the two of us. He feels like he's not enough for me but he's more than enough. I love him. I love how close we are. He enjoys hearing me talk about you with him. He—”

“You talk about me with your Grandfather?” Olivia asks, sounding astonished.

“I thought it was obvious but yeah almost everyday.”

She takes that in, an unfamiliar expression on her face.

“I hope this doesn't make me sound weird or anything. If you're uncomfortable with—”

“Leo, it's okay. I'm just a little shocked.”


“I don't know…”

“You do, you just don't want to say it.”

She holds my gaze, a little exasperated.

“I guess… I'm trying to get used to the feeling of you seeing something in me and wanting to share it with others. Dominique says you talk about me  so much his ears bleed every time he hears the name Olivia.”

Laughter bubbles out of us, simmering down into soft smiles.

“I'm trying to wrap my head around how you talk to your Grandfather about me and it makes sense with the way he looked at me the other day when I came to fetch you. Like he already knew me and knew me well…”

She slips her hand out of mine, running her hands down her braids as if to flatten it. She exhales, her eyes meeting mine, glistening with unshed tears.

“You make me question my worth.”

My heart races.

“In a good or bad way?” I ask, worried.

“In a freaking amazing way!”she says through tears. “ I feel beautiful with you and even when you're gone and I catch my reflection in the mirror ... .I don't hate it. Not like I used to before.”

She wipes her tears, soft laughter escaping her lips. “ You make me believe I'm something special.”

“That's because you are Olivia.”

“You're the only one who thinks that.”

“Everyone else is blind.”

She laughs.  “Wouldn't it be you who is blind if you see something everyone else can't?”

“I know what I see Olivia.” I simply answer, holding her gaze.

She looks away, composing herself. “You didn't finish your question.”

“Right. Well as I said before Mkhulu is the best thing I never had to pray for. My childhood was a mix between good and bad. It was good because of Mkhulu and Gogo the both of them raising me up in love and in the Lord.

"Sundays were the best days in the week because of church, Gogo’s soul food and mine and Mkhulu soccer games. Mkhulu made me fall in love with soccer and he proved so many other people wrong when they thought that an old man could do nothing but sit.

"Not going to lie to you but everything was bliss. I didn't even know that I didn't have a father. Mkhulu and Gogo filled every void my parents left. They inspire me so much, Olivia. When I'm older and I have kids I want to give them the childhood that Mkhulu and Gogo gave me. One filled with unconditional love…”

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