Chapter 6: First Dance And Cuddles

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December 15th, 2023.

Current Time: 1:30 PM.

The song that inspired this whole book makes its debut in this chapter. Also some mild NSFW all you Monty Simps >:)

Monty's POV

Immediately after I powered on, I went straight to (Y/N)'s platform, only to see it empty.

Where is she?! my panicked mind screamed, but then I saw my beloved free roaming the PizzaPlex and I instantly calmed down.

"Don't tell me, the Staff are lettin' you roam around now?" I asked, my tail wagging behind me in excitement.

"Heh, you got it on the first try. You're so smart,"~ she said, attempting to flirt with me.

"Of course I am doll, but I appreciate the compliment,"~ I replied, flirting back. (Y/N) then looked at me, a beautiful smile spreading across her pretty face.

"What's got you so happy babe?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, now follow me," she replied, and that's when she spread her wings out wide for me.

"Can you actually fly?" I asked again, only to be met with a laugh.

"Wrap your arms around me and you'll find that out for yourself," she replied back, a bit of sass coating her words which I loved.

I did as she said and wrapped my arms securely around her torso before she looked back at me.

"Hold on tightly now," she said as she began flapping her wings. I was amazed to see that we were lifting off the ground.

"You're by far the coolest robot here other than myself of course,"~ I purred into her ear as we flew towards my second favorite area in the Plex: DJ Music Man's Dancefloor.

Timeskip Once You've Arrived At Your Destination

After we had landed, I took a moment to get used to walking again. I quickly turned to face (Y/N) before I spoke up.

"That totally beats walkin' around the entire place, thanks for the ride doll," I said, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Just wait until you see the surprise," she said, walking towards the DJ while her tail swayed side to side in anticipation.

How did I even manage to get with her? I thought to myself as I stood there in a lovestruck trance.

"Get your ass over here already Monty!" (Y/N)'s voice called from a distance, breaking me out of my trance. I hurriedly ran over to her to not keep her waiting.

"So, what did you want me to see?" I asked, wagging my tail like an excited Puppy.

"Well, don't you want to know where my new stage is?" she asked, and I immediately gasped in shock.

"You mean, you'll be performin' in here?!" I exclaimed, feeling as if my luck couldn't get any better.

"Ha! That's hilarious, but no. My stage is opposite of yours," she said, and I literally almost squealed in delight.

"Then why are we in here?" I asked, starting to get frustrated, until I felt (Y/N) take my hand and guide me to the Dancefloor.

"To dance silly! I mean...Montgomery Gator, will you accompany me for our first dance as a couple?" she asked, kneeling down like she was proposing.

"It'd be my pleasure babe," I said, putting her hands in mine.

"I don't have my guitar this time, but I'll still sing for you," (Y/N) said, which made my robotic heart do flips in my chest.

"I'll take that," I said.

"Yo DJ! Play my favorite!" (Y/N) yelled to the DJ, and that's when we started dancing. (A/N enjoy the song!)

(Y/N)'s POV While You Guys Are Dancing

As I sang my favorite song, I rested my claws on Monty's chest while we slow danced to the music. My captivating voice had him looking into my eyes the entire time, completely smitten with me.

At one point I started flying while holding onto him, all while still singing of course. This Gator was my life, my everything, and I would sacrifice myself to save him if I had to.

Monty's POV After The Song Ended

The song ended with lots of fire and ice effects surrounding my beloved, and I watched as she gracefully floated down until her feet were touching the ground.

"That was even more beautiful than your solo,"~ I purred, completely lovestruck with (Y/N).

"You flatterer,"~ she cooed in response, entwining her tail with mine again and pulling me close.

"When should we tell the others about both me being able to wander around now and us being a thing?" she asked, nuzzling the top of her head under my chin.

"I reckon we do it tomorrow. Right now, I just want to have some quality time with you in my Green Room,"~ I said, gazing at her fondly.

"Let's just hope bitchy Vanessa doesn't stop us," (Y/N) growled, making me chuckle.

"Come on doll, you can so take her on if she messes with either of us," I said, pointing to her dagger like claws and razor sharp teeth.

"I can breathe fire too, so I can barbeque that bitch if I'm angry enough," she said, blowing a little smoke ring in my face for emphasis.

"That's my girl,"~ I teased, earning a glare from my beloved.

"Shut up," she growled.

"Alright, I'm sorry," I replied, apologizing.

Timeskip To Monty's Room

"Here we are," I said, opening the door to my Green Room and stepping aside so (Y/N) could enter it first.

"Wow! So much more roomy than my shitty little room," she huffed after she had sat down on my couch.

"Awwww, I'm sure your Green Room is lovely," I said, trying to cheer her up.

"No it's not, all it is is a couch, a vanity, and a charging station. There's not even a platform for my guitar," she growled, rattling the horns on her head in frustration.

"Why don't you move in here with me after your shows?" I asked, and she immediately perked up.

"I'd love to!" she exclaimed, hugging me so hard I was underneath her. I suddenly blushed when I noticed that she was back in her human form, except...she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Fuckin' hell," I said, my breath hitching in slight arousal.

"Heh, you'll get it later pervert,"~ (Y/N) teased, causing me to let out a low growl before I grabbed her chin and kissed her hungrily.

"I don't know if I can wait that long babe,"~ I replied huskily, causing (Y/N) to run her hands down my body, which in turn made me moan softly.

"I said later,"~ she said firmly, and I had no choice but to obey.

"Fiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee," I whined, causing (Y/N) to pat my head.

"Good boy,"~ she said, making my tail wag.

"Let's just cuddle then until we both have to get ready for our shows,"~ I purred, resting my head on her now animatronic chest.

"You'll be watching me as you perform your show, won't you?" she asked.

"Of course I will doll, and so will the others," I replied, slowly starting to power down.

"Hmm, alright," (Y/N) said before she too powered down.


Chapter 6 complete! Yes I know I said that this chapter was going to have gore in it, but I completely lied and I apologize! I swear to add gore in the next chapter! See you later!

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