Chapter 3: Gator Hugs And Growing Love

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December 11th, 2023.

Current Time: 4:00 PM.

Monty's POV

I was on the Main Stage tuning my Bass when Bonnie and Foxy came up to me.

"Monty, dude, we have news!" Bonnie exclaimed, almost too excitedly.

"Is it about (Y/N)?" I asked, not noticing that my tail was wagging at the mention of her name.

"Aye, that it be," Foxy said. He pulled me to the side and away from everyone else to make sure we had complete privacy.

"Alright Fox boy, let's hear it," I said.

"Matey, the Lass had an incident at her restaurant in the past that resulted in a kiddo losing an arm. It was a malfunction she had that caused it. Because of that, no human will go near her in fear of her hurting them. Me and Bonnie are her first friends now, because we figured she didn't have any," Foxy explained.

After the Fox finished telling me her past story, I made a beeline for (Y/N). I wanted to give her all the support I had and also become her friend as well.

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)!" a familiar voice called. My tail started to wag as the sound of footsteps came closer.

"Monty!" I called back, almost flying to him. At last the Gator had stopped in front of my platform and looked at me.

"Bonnie and Foxy told me about your incident, and I wanted to offer my support," he said. A faint, red hue dusted the Gator's cheeks as he stepped onto my platform and hugged me. That's when disaster struck.

In the middle of the hug, I began to shrink down into human size. I quickly broke out of Monty's grasp and ran to a closet to hide in.

"(Y/N)! Where'd you go?!" the Gator called again, until he saw my hiding spot.

Please don't freak out or kill me! I said to myself as I stepped out of the closet and revealed my new form.

Monty's POV

Oh my God! She turned into an actual human! I thought to myself as I scanned (Y/N)'s new, human body.

"What the fuck happened?!" I asked in shock. (Y/N) started to cry.

"It's a curse! I turn into a human everytime I feel a positive emotion! Just please don't kill me!" she yelled, cowering in fear. I gently cupped her face in my hand and carefully wiped her tears away.

"Why would I kill my new friend?" I said, giving her a soft smile.

"You still want to be my friend even though I'm a disgusting human right now?" (Y/N) asked, and that's when I felt my small crush on her increase like wildfire.

"You ain't in no way disgustin' (Y/N)! I'd still be friends with you no matter what. You don't deserve to be alone and angry all the time, and I want to help make your new life here happy," I said, not even caring that I was blushing enough for it to be noticable.

"Monty, I...I don't know what to say, except...THANK YOU!!!!" (Y/N) squealed, and for the first time, I actually saw her smile.

Shit, why does she have to look so cute when she smiles?! I said to myself as my tail started wagging again.

"Awwwwww, I didn't know you could wag your tail!" (Y/N) exclaimed, once again sounding too fucking adorable and making my robotic heart melt.

"It only wags when I'm feelin' content or really happy," I said, noticing the smirk on her face.

"Wait, so does that mean you're only happy when you're around me?" she asked, and this time it was her turn to blush.

"Heh, I guess you could say that," I said, rubbing the back of my head nervously. Before I could say anything else, I felt (Y/N) kiss the top of my snout and hug me again.

"You're the bestest friend ever Monty!" she said, nuzzling her head under my chin.

I swear that I'll do whatever I can to protect you (Y/N), I promise. I thought to myself before I hugged her back.

"It was nothin' (Y/N). Just like Bonnie and Foxy, I don't want you to be alone," I said, running my claws carefully through her silky hair.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Sometimes I miss performing for people. It was the best part of my life, and seeing the children smile at me filled me with so much joy," I said after I had turned back into my animatronic self and had returned to my platform.

"What was your role?" Monty asked, wanting to know more about my past.

"I was a guitarist/singer. I was programmed to play songs by this new band called Ad Infinitum," I told him, noticing the Gator's tail wag again.

"I wish I could've seen you perform back in your hay day. I bet you were really good," he said, trying to hide the red hue that was dusting his face.

"Well, I found out from Freddy that my guitar is currently being repaired, so I should hopefully be able to perform again soon," I said, making Monty's tail wag even faster.

"When you get it back, could you possibly do a solo performance just for me?" he asked, blushing a bit more than he was before.

"Heh, sure thing Gator boy," I said, giving him a toothy grin and showing off my sharp teeth.

"Damn, nice teeth. They're sharper than mine," Monty said, hiding his jealousy.

"Awww, don't feel jealous about my cool teeth, yours are still perfect," I told him reassuringly.

"Well, looks like I gotta head back for the night. I had a nice time learnin' about your little...secret," the Gator said, whispering the last word.

"Please don't tell the others. I want to let them discover it on their own," I said, looking at the other reptile animatronic in a somewhat pleading expression.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I won't tell them, alright? Trust me (Y/N), I would never do anythin' to make you feel ashamed of who you are," Monty said, interlocking his claws with mine.

I don't know why, but I feel extremely happy just by being close to him. I wonder if Even if he felt the same, he'd never want to be with a robot who can also turn into a human. I said to myself, making my tail and wings droop sadly.

"(Y/N)? Somethin' wrong?" the Gator asked, looking at me with concern and worry.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it," I said through clenched teeth. Monty wasn't convinced.

"(Y/N), clearly somethin's on your mind. You can tell me," he said, his kind, red eyes locking with my nervous (E/C) ones through his glasses.

"I promise I'll tell you when the time is right, but not now, alright?" I finally said.

"Alright then. See you tomorrow (Y/N)," Monty said as he waved goodbye.

See you I thought to myself as I powered down.


Awwwwww! How sweet was that?! You and Monty bond a little more and romance begins to blossom. The next chapter will have Gregory in it, and you'll get to see a child for the first time in years. How will you react though? Stay tuned to find out!

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