Chapter 8: Unusual Behavior

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December 20th, 2023.

Current Time: 4:00 PM.

(Y/N)'s POV

I powered on hoping to perform again, but I suddenly got an alert that automatically told my systems to put me on 'Low Power' mode.

That's odd. I thought to myself as I headed towards the charging station in Monty's room. At some point while I was charging, my behavior unexpectedly changed into a 'Nesting' mode.

The next thing I knew, I was gathering materials for a nest. I was very confused as to why I was acting like this until I remembered the events from the day before.

Oh yeah, me and Monty were...wait. Could I be-?! I said to myself before I did a self scan. Sure enough, my systems informed me that I was due to lay an egg or two in a few hours.

How the fuck is Monty going to react?! If I'm this panicked about it, he's probably going to be a lot worse! my panicked mind screamed. It wasn't long until I had finished the nest and began performing the usual nesting behavior of a female Dragon.

Monty's POV

"(Y/N), babe, we're due to perform in-," I began, until I noticed a big ass nest in the corner of my room. What was even weirder was the fact that my beloved was actually lying down on all fours in the nest.

"What the hell are you doin' doll?" I asked in confusion. I noticed that as I got closer to her, she would suddenly growl at me like she wanted me to back off.

"(Y/N)?" I asked again, this time with concern. I decided to do a scan on her, and what I found just about made me cry.

She's...she's goin' to lay eggs?! I thought before I remembered what the two of us did last night.

Oh my God...I'M GOIN' TO BE A DAD!!!! I screamed internally, nearly destroying my room in a good way, until I thought better of myself and knelt down close to her.

"Doll, are you really expectin' to lay eggs today?" I asked, hoping that she was being genuine with me and telling the truth.

"Would I lie to you?" she asked in return, her voice was a lot quieter than usual, probably because of her new task at hand. I was so overcome with emotion that I hugged her.

"You don't know how happy I am right now!" I said, my voice was heavy with emotion, which was odd because I hardly ever express any emotion that isn't anger.

"I'm happy too Monty, but...," (Y/N) started, looking down at her front claws.

'"...But' what babe?" I asked, placing one of my hands on hers.

"Doesn't this seem a little too soon? I mean, we've only been dating for a few weeks and now we're suddenly having kids together?!" she asked, her breathing becoming quicker as her nerves started to show.

"I know it all seems like a lot so quickly doll, but you ain't alone in this. You have me and the others to help you," I said, wrapping my tail around hers in a comforting way.

"I don't trust myself while in 'Nesting' mode Monty. In real life, female Dragons are incredibly dangerous when they're preparing to lay eggs. Not to mention that their appetite increases and they're more feral," she told me, her body shaking from fear.

"Calm down (Y/N), I can get you food when you need it. For now, I need you to rest," I said, getting one of my blankets and placing it over her.

"I'm excited to see what our children will look like," she said sleepily.

"You and me both babe," I whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead before she powered down.

(Y/N)'s POV

Three Hours Later

I woke up to the feeling of something underneath my chest cavity. I sat up and noticed that I had laid a total of three eggs while I was powered down.

My babies! I squealed in my head. I was so caught up in breathing small flames around the eggs that I didn't notice Monty in the doorway of his room.

"What are you doin' to them?!" he asked, his eyes full of fear as he advanced towards me.

"Monty, it's okay! Dragon eggs need to incubate in fire otherwise they won't hatch!" I explained, glaring at him in a way that told him to back away and calm down before getting closer.

Seeing my fierce gaze burning into his eyes made him pull himself together. He took a moment to relax before he knelt down in front of me again.

"Sorry for that doll, I should've known you wouldn't do anythin' to endanger our kids," he said, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It's alright Monty, I would've done the same thing if I saw you putting fire near the eggs," I replied, smiling at him.

"I just worry that the kids will be scared of me when I'm angry or roarin'," the darker green reptile said softly.

"If they're anything like us, they'll have our tempers and any other flaws that we have," I told him, rubbing the tip of my snout against his reassuringly.

"Heh, you ain't wrong about that babe. I'm sure our kiddos will think that we're the coolest parents ever!" Monty said, his usual attitude returning as he shouted the last sentence.

"There's the Gator I fell for,"~ I purred, placing a kiss on his cheek and using my tail to pull him closer to me.

"I could stay in your embrace forever,"~ the lovestruck male said as he melted under my touch. We were enjoying our cuddle session until we heard a knock at the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I growled, getting into a defensive stance.

"Don't worry doll, I'll get it," Monty said, standing up and answering the door.

"What are you two doing?! You have a show to do in five minutes!" Vanessa yelled angrily.

Not this bitch again. Monty said to himself before he spoke.

"(Y/N) isn't able to perform today, so I was in here takin' care of her," he told her. Vanessa just sighed in frustration.

"Alright, I'll let you guys off the hook this time, but that's it," she said before shutting the door and walking away.

"God I fuckin' hate her," Monty growled, sitting back down next to me.

"Who knows what she'll do if she discovers our babies! Oh God, I don't want to think about the idea of her hurting them!" I panicked, whimpering loudly.

"(Y/N), look at me," the Gator said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"W-What?" I sniffled as I looked at the green male.

"I won't let Vanessa get her hands on the kids. If she so much as touches them I swear to God that I'll fuck her up so badly not even plastic surgery will help her," Monty said in the most protective tone of voice I had ever heard from him.

"You already sound like a Dad Monty," I said, nuzzling my face under his lower jaw. I felt the Gator kiss my snout before he wrapped his tail around mine.

"While you were asleep, I told Freddy about our expected children, and he taught me everythin' I needed to know about parentin'. Now I'm fully prepared to be the world's greatest Gator Dad!" Monty replied, shouting the last part with lots of enthusiasm.

"You always want the best for me, don't you?"~ I asked, smiling at him again.

"Of course I do babe. It's my job,"~ Monty replied, nuzzling his snout into my neck.

"In a few days, we'll get to meet our kids," I said, starting to fall asleep.

"I can't wait," the Gator replied softly as we both powered down and dreamed about what our children are going to look like.


I'll just go ahead and say it: I think I'm the first ever author to write about Monty being a biological Father to kids he actually made. Now, get ready for a whole bunch of wholesome Gator Dad moments in the next chapter.

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