16) Guilt

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While I would desperately like to sleep I was too worried about this Jorge guy doing something to escape during the middle of the night. That's why I was across from him with a small fire. As there should be, everything was silent except for the cackling of the red and orange flames, dancing in the night. In the pitch darkness, I could barely see my own hands in front of me as I rubbed them together in front of the only heat source.

"I really didn't know WCKD would kill you, you know?"He suddenly spoke up, snapping me out of my mind.

"Congratulations. That makes up for none of this,"I quietly pointed out, scared of waking the others.

"Nothing ended up happening,"He defended.

"It's the principal of it. Our entire lives we have been given basically nothing. Everything we did, we did with the small amount of people around us. Nobody came to help us. Nobody cared about us. All we have is each other, the weight of the things that we had to do, have been done to us against our will, and trauma. The last thing we needed was more of it."

"Nobody really knows what WCKD actually does. They just talk about things like a cure, immunes, and money."

"It's not that nobody knows. Nobody wants to admit that they're sitting around without helping us. Instead, you turned your backs on kids who just wanted to be safe and loved. You are all aware deep down that something isn't right, but you ignore it. Nobody wanted to save us. We did it ourselves."

There was more silence. This time he didn't interrupt it, and I didn't give so much as an insult or dirty look for the rest of the night.

Jorge's P.O.V

Since I was tied up with nowhere to go and cold enough for it to keep me awake I had to think about her words. When they told me WCKD would kill them did I actually think they were exaggerating? Did I actually think that they we're some angsty teens or was I so focused on getting to Right Arm that I convinced myself that's all it was? Right now, I don't know. I don't know anything though. With Brenda and that random boy missing, only a guess of where they are, and still having to get to the Safe Haven, nothing truly makes sense right now. It's all jumbled up.

What makes this all worse is that the worse I dwelled on what she said the more I think she really is right. For years there have been whispers, rumors, and talk of rebellion. It's just that nothing has every come from it.

There's also the speech about everything they've gone through. I don't know what, but I can hear that it was painful. At the end of the day they're all just hurting kids that have never had anyone to lean on. From what she said it seems like the only people they've been able to trust is each other, and I guess I just made it worse.

I guess it all makes sense why I'm tied to a rock now. They're not just angry, though there is still a ton of that.

They're sick of the world turning its back on them.

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