7) Soulmates

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Newt's P.O.V

That night we all took shelter from the lightning storm. Y/N had just given us flashlights and told us to turn them off if we heard noises. With that she left to go somewhere.

I know that doing things on a whim isn't usually my thing, but I wanted to see where exactly she was going. Even more importantly why walk outside during a deadly storm? It just didn't make sense, and I wanted to figure it out. So I slipped away and went the direction she did. I rounded a corner and got ready to step through the broken glass windows and into the rain.

"Hey man. I wouldn't bother her,"Aris advised, appearing out of thin air.
"How come?"I asked.
"It's just not a good idea. Trust me."
"But why?"I repeated.
"She doesn't really like people."
"Well. It's a good thing I'm only a person,"I shrugged.

"Fine. If she snaps at you don't say I didn't warn you. Even more importantly if she's upset you come right back in and pretend you never saw anything. Got it?"He asked in a completely new voice. It wasn't angry, but it definitely wasn't a happy one.

"Good that mate,"I promised.

"I mean it. You don't know what she can be like when you catch her off guard. Don't you ever hurt her. Right now she's all I have."

With that he walked away. They seem awfully close. They have to be if Aris (who practically doesn't speak) looked willing to get confrontational over her. It makes sense though. She does seem special in a good way. I can't explain it.

Choosing to forget about those thoughts I glanced around for something to protect her from the rain. It only took a split second for my eyes to land on an umbrella. I picked it up and headed out.

The rain was harsh. Those few seconds without the umbrella already had me soaked. Why would she want to be out here? Even if she hates people this seems like a quick way to get sick.

When I opened the umbrella and could finally see I spotted her sitting on top of random rock. She had her legs outstretched and her eyes closed as she softly hummed a melody. She looked truly at peace.

As I approached her she was still too immersed in her humming to notice. She only realized I was there when I put the umbrella over her. She instantly opened her eyes.

"What are you doing out here? Are you trying to get sick or something?"She asked. I could tell she was covering her concern with irritation but didn't say anything about it.

"I could say the same for you love."
"Love?"She asked, narrowing her eyes at me with some kind of skepticism.
"Yeah. Can I call you that?"I asked.
"I guess. Now sit under the umbrella if you're going to be out here."

I did just that and kept it over our heads. It wasn't the biggest so we were squished next to each other.

"This isn't a normal thing to do, you know? People generally don't follow a stranger out in cold rain. Especially, if that stranger tried to stab them."

"It's all in the past. Besides, it wasn't all bad. We did meet each other,"I pointed out.

"I wasn't just going to send some people who needed help away. Especially, if they helped Aris,"She added.

"You and him are close. Are you, you know? Dating?"I asked.

She started laughing harder than I think I've ever heard anyone laugh.
"God no. He's great and all, but he's never been my type. Even if I can't remember I know that for a fact."
"Okay. Then what exactly is your type?"I questioned.
"Why do you want to know?"

She was deep in thought. It was hard to tell if she was confused or debating whether or not to answer.

"Probably someone who doesn't think I need protecting. They'd be someone who likes kids and is willing to be vulnerable. Bonus points if they naturally get me out of my shell. They'd have to be caring and affectionate. As long as they're willing to put up with me, be my shoulder to cry on, and love me then it's okay."

"Put up with you? I don't know about that. You're more than just someone to put up with love."
"What's your type?"She asked, almost defensively.

"I don't know. They'd definitely have to love their friends. Maybe someone who's kind, quick witted, and sarcastic. As long as they love me and I love them that's all that really matters though."

"I hope you find them,"She said after a moment.
"I'm sure I will. I hope you find your soulmate too."
"I don't know if I believe in soulmates,"She mumbled.
"Everyone has a soulmate. Sometimes they happen when you least expect it. They could be miles away or right next to you."
"You're an optimist. How?"She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"After going through all we have how do you stay so positive?"

I subconsciously glanced at my bad leg. I used to be the least optimistic person to exist. Life was just plain hell. So much so that I was convinced leaving was better.

"I made mistakes, and I learned from them. I realized how many people I have that care about me and that I'll forever care about."
"We should go now,"She said quickly. I was confused at her change of tone but didn't question it. Once I put the umbrella over her she refused to look at anything but the ground.

As we headed back inside she was in such a hurry she cut her arm on a piece of glass. She didn't even react to it.
"Are you okay love?"
"I'm fine. Goodnight Newt."
"Okay. Goodnight Y/N."

She was speed walking as fast as she could only in the other room."Goodnight love. Sleep tight,"I whispered to the air.

As the words seemed to linger I went to get some sleep of my own.

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