15) Obvious Realizations

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"There. I think he looks much better like this. What do y'all think?"I asked, clapping my hands in satisfaction as this Jorge guy was trapped in bounds against a rock.

"Yeah. He looks real snug. Do you think you could do something so he can't talk though?"Minho suggested.

"I don't have tape or any other rope. Unfortunately, this is all we can do."

"Unfortunately? Seriously? I am tied against a rock-"
"Bad heartless human. Bad. No talking unless spoken to,"I scolded.

"I am not a dog,"He scowled.

"You could've fooled me,"I shrugged.

"Seriously? I am the only way to-"
"Find Thomas? Yes, but nothing said that this had to be a pleasant experience. Now it's getting dark. We'll leave you there for the night."

"We won't leave this spot, but we'll definitely have more leg room. Because we don't sell out people so they die,"I snapped, crossing my arms and glaring at him. All of us stood there and clearly showed our disdain for him one way or another. From irritated sighs to cold eyes, we all made it clear this guy was a monster.

"Why would they kill you?"

"No shucking way you're that stupid,"Minho sighed.

"Hey. That's a reasonable question,"He defended.

"If we're running through the Scorch so we don't have to be stuck with them that should be a pretty clear sign. Maybe the fact that they're called WCKD? Any of that suggest that WCKD isn't good?"Newt listed.

"I mean when you put it like that-"
"It's obvious? Yeah. It is,"He finished.

"Now thanks to you they probably have a nice idea of where we could be, Thomas is missing, we almost died yet again, and we're stuck with you instead of getting to get back to our friends,"Aris informed him.

"I thought you were just some rebellious, angsty teens."

"We're rebelling over not having a fate worse than death. Being a science experiment for as long as we live didn't sound like a good time,"Frypan pointed out.

"And forgive us if we're a bit angsty after being trapped in a maze with no memories. Some of us for three years. We still don't have any memory so before you complain about being stuck in one place for a night remember that that's all we really know,"I hissed.

We just stared at us with wide eyes. Glancing between us, his once annoyed gaze turned to something else.

"I'm sorry for tying you guys up and that one of the people there tried to sell you back."

"Yeah. You should be."

"Look. I think we got off on the wrong foot."

"That's one way to put it,"Newt grumbled.

"So why don't we start over?"

"Absolutely not. I know everything I need to know about you from this experience,"I scowled.

"Which is?"

"You're selfish, naive, secretive, impulsive, arrogant, uncaring, and overall, just a dick. What about that would make you someone worth being around?"I pointed out.

"It wasn't supposed to go down like this, okay? I just wanted to get to Right Arm. I saw a chance, and I took it. I didn't think it would involve you guys almost dying."

"We're always almost dying,"Teresa mumbled.

"Exactly that. So no. We don't want to get all nice and comfy with you,"Minho said with his full chest.

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