10) Guard Dogs

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The storm seemed to have completely passed us, but I warned everyone not to get to comfortable. Thankfully, they seemed to take me seriously. Now we had actually began our trip to the supposed Safe Haven. I don't mean to sound like a downer, but I don't want to have to much hope. That only leads to disappointment.

"What's on your mind?"Newt asked from next to me.

"Nothing,"I shrugged. He looked at me like he didn't believe me. To say it made me nervous would be an understatement.

"What are you thinking about?"I asked, trying to get the subject off me.
"You,"He answered simply.
"Me?"I questioned, not knowing if I misheard him. I hope that was the case.

"Yeah. You."

"Why?"I asked, not liking this at all. While I'm not sure if I want to know I couldn't help but be curious. I just hope he doesn't want to ask me anything personal or I might actually just bury my head in this sand. Once again, I despise talking about myself to people I don't know well. I know Newt's my friend, but I don't know if I could say something that could scare him off. I've actually done that before. Back at the Spring I was to much of a chatterbox. Now I keep it to a minimum. There are exceptions, but they're scarce. So him saying he's thinking about me twisted my stomach in knots.

"You've made this trip a bit more bearable. I don't think I've ever actually seen that shank smile,"He explained, gesturing to Aris. "You've also really helped us out. It's weird that you tried to kill me the first time we met, and we became friends so quickly."

"Shank? What's a shank?"I asked.
"I'm guessing it's what you would call a stick. I think. It's just a Glader term."

"So what did you call your Maze?"I questioned.

"We called it the Glade. Hence the term Gladers."

"We called ourselves Icers,"I responded.

"That's confusing. Your Maze is called the Spring which is supposed to be warm, but you called yourselves Icers representing the coldest thing there is,"He pointed out.

"It's all about the irony. Also, I came with the name Icers so the fact that you could have anything bad to say is just unacceptable,"I joked.

"Where you the first person there then?"He inquired.
"I was the second. What about you?"
"Same here. I guess that means we have to stick together then,"He responded with a grin on his face. I couldn't help but return it.

"Yeah. I guess we do."


We had been walking for hours when we stumbled upon our first building in miles. Thomas was already making his way inside it. I quickly followed suit in case there was anything to bad in there. At least if there is it's still broad daylight.

"Is this actually a good idea? I feel like walking into a random building that's the only one around for literal miles could end pretty terribly,"Aris pointed out.

"Maybe, but it probably can't do to much damage. There did used to be reasonable civilization once. They had to live in something,"I replied. He looked like he heavily disagreed with doing this but still followed the rest of the group.

Walking further into the room we noticed it was basically empty. Still, something about this place seemed off. Even being a few feet in here gave me goosebumps. It could just be the fact that it was windowless, damp, and smelled like metal and mold. I couldn't help but feel like there was a lot more in here though.

"I don't think we should be here. Something about this give me the heeby-jeebys,"Frypan commented.
"There could be other things that could help us though,"Thomas responded, walking further into the room. We all did the same thing despite the clear resistance in the air.

"I feel like we need to see what's behind the door,"Thomas said, pushing it open. As he did a feeling of dread loomed over me. Something gave me a sense of unease.

Despite these feelings I kept following the group. If something happened it's best to stick together.

"It smells awful,"Minho said, scrunching up his nose. I tried to see what he was talking about and almost gagged. There was a metallic scent filling the air, strong enough to taste, along with something rotting.

A second later every light turned on. Everyone jumped as fear was evident in their eyes. Even through the blinding lights that was clear.

After my eyes adjusted I saw an image that would forever be burned into my brain. Hundreds of cranks were chained up like rabid animals. Then again they are in a way. Both are violent, unpredictable, deadly, and capable of spreading a disease worse than death.

On instinct my hand reached for the glass. Even if they did have chains these things seemed to contain super human strength. Depending on how far gone they are it seems like the same thing is true for speed.

"Let's slowly back away,"Minho whispered.
"That's the best idea in the world,"I agreed, not taking my eyes off them.

"These chains aren't going to break,"A girl spoke, causing me to jump and hold my weapon out. I took a good look at her. She had slightly tanned skin, possibly from the sun or maybe just geneticically. I couldn't properly tell. Her head was buzzed, and she leaned against the door way as she observed us. There was something that stood out far more though. She radiated strength and confidence.

"Are you all living out here?"She questioned.

"What are you doing with all the cranks?"I inquired, trying to see if I could spot anything untrustworthy about her.
"They're our guard dogs,"She shrugged.
"Our?"Thomas asked.
"That's what I said, isn't it? Come on. I'll introduce you to Jorge."

"What are you expecting from us in return? Food? Water?"I interegated. She looked back and had a glint in her eye. Her lips upturned into a subtle smile.

"You've been out here for a while, haven't you?"

"Yes. How'd you know?"

"You seem to know how things work out here. Plus, I spotted the weapon on your belt. That's pretty smart. You know what you're doing,"She complimented.
"Thank you, but I need answers,"I responded.
"We have plenty of supplies. We even have a little group going. You guys, as strong as you seem, probably want some things yourself right?"

"Maybe,"I answered vaguely.
"You're going somewhere, aren't you?"
"Maybe,"I repeated.
"We have a good few things that may help. Unless, you'd like to go on your own again?"
I glanced at everyone, and they shrugged. We simultaneously agreed to go with her. Carefully walking almost single file to avoid the cranks we all followed her to wherever she was leading us.

If anything goes wrong we've got plenty of diverse skills to get us out of it.

My Only Hope(Newt x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن