1) Still Alive

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I had been in the Scorch for a while now. I don't actually have any clue how long, but it doesn't change anything. I'm still running, hiding, and avoiding cranks and other things around here. The only thing I had to protect me was a piece of jagged glass. I'd occasionally have to use it so it was stained with blood. As an added bonus WCKD still had some Bergs flying over every now and then, but I quickly learned what they sounded like.

Today was like any other. I had been practicing running with more stealth and efficiency.

Just as I was about to take a break I saw a group in the distance. They were too sane to be cranks so they had to be WCKD workers. I wanted to kill them all. Rage flew through me, and I was going to use it while I still had the element of surprise.

I sprinted to the first one there and held the glass to his neck. I could already feel his panic.
"I swear to God I'll kill you all,"I yelled, shaking. Before I could do anything he kicked my ankle to throw me off balance and grabbed my weapon. A few backup people were there. In a quick motion I got back on top, straddled him, and held the glass above his chest when I looked down. He was my age and just as scruffed up.

"You're not from WCKD."
"You don't look like you've lost your bloody mind yet."

Someone behind me shoved me into the hard ground. I tried to ignore the way they made the air leave my lungs and stand up.
"Stop! She's not going to hurt us. I think she escaped."
"Newt, she tried to kill you."
"I thought you were going to take me back,"I explained, still on edge.
"Somehow I doubt it,"The boy spat.

"Y/N?"Someone asked. I snapped my head at the familiar voice and thought I was hallucinating.
"Aris?"I asked, blinking to make sure it was real. He was still right in front of my eyes.

"Aris,"I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him. He hugged back just as tight. I didn't let go because I needed to make sure my best friend was still here.
"I thought I lost you,"He mumbled, pulling away. "I'm so glad you're okay. Are Sonya and Harriet with you?"
I solemnly shook my head. "We got separated out here. I don't know where they are,"I admitted. A heavy silence filled the air.

"At least, I know you're okay,"He said after a moment.

"I'm glad you are too. I didn't think you'd escape, but you're actually here. Did they hurt you?"I asked, scanning him for a serious injury.
"No. Are you hurt?"He asked. I shook my head no still looking at my friend. He was truly here and just as kind as ever. He still looked like Aris if that makes sense. He hadn't lost who he was.

"What's going on?"The one I attacked asked.
"Are you all with Aris?"I asked, ignoring that question.
"Obviously. Now answer our question,"The boy who pulled me off repeated.

"This is Y/N. She was in the Spring with me,"Aris explained.
"The what?"Another random kid that looked like he always asked questions asked.
"It was the name of our Maze. What about you all? Are you guys from one?"

"Hey. How are you still alive?"
"A peice of glass, instincts, and lot of practice with running and fighting. I've found places with food, water, and even extra clothes and blankets. I go from building to building,"I explained.
"So you've just casually been living here?"The one with brown hair who looked like he never stopped talking asked. I'm pretty sure I'm right.

"Yeah. I've been doing alright,"I shrugged.
"So you've lost your mind on some level of you've been out here alone?"An Asian boy asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Tell you what? Next time you're out here we'll see how well you can do on your own. Then you can judge my decisions, but right now I'm breathing."

"It looks like you're deadly too,"The blonde boy said, still sitting on the ground. I walked over and pulled him up.
"I won't hurt you if you're not hurting me, and as far as I'm concerned WCKD did plenty of that. I wouldn't have randomly done that for no reason,"I assured him.

I took a minute to observe all of them. There was a strong built Asian boy with pitch black hair that was still strangely perfect. He looked like he was a leader by the way he held himself.

Then, there was the one who I could tell was always lost. He had brown hair and looked as strong as the Asian boy in a more subtle way.

Next to him was the only girl here. She had scraggly brown hair and freckles lining her face. There was nothing particular remarkable about her.

The next one I looked at was a boy with dark skin. He gave off a friendly vibe. He seemed like a good person.

The last one was the boy I casually threatened to kill. He was the only one with blonde hair. He had brown eyes that looked like they had flecks of gold in them. On the side of his face was a small cut. I heard his accent earlier. He seemed sensible and kind.

"Uh, how long do you plan on staring at us?"
"I was just seeing what you guys seemed like. It's about to be sundown though. I have a safe place set up. It's got some clothes you all could probably change into,"I suggested. They looked like they were debating it.

"I'm not letting you sticks die because you didn't listen to me. Especially, since you all have Aris."
"Just come on. This place creeps me out at night."


They had all introduced themselves to me. There was Minho, Thomas, Teresa, Frypan, and Newt. He was weirdly forgiving about me trying to slice his throat.

"Why do you have clothes in so many sizes anyway?"Thomas asked, looking at the options I gave them.
"Just in case I came across other people. As you can see there aren't a ton, but I've helped a few. I'd give them supplies, a safe place to sleep, maybe a weapon, and they'd leave in the next week,"I explained.
"Why not save it?"Minho asked. I looked him up and down in judgement.

"I know I could get more somewhere. Besides, some people want a little bit of skill out here. I'll train them for maybe a week in running, fighting, or another thing I know, and a lot of times they give me food or water if they have it. Kindness find its way back to you."
"Wow. You sound like a walking children's book,"He remarked.
"I'm nice and alive, aren't I? You should probably watch what you say. I'm the one with the food, water, new clothes, and even skill,"I deadpanned, before going back to my dinner.
"She's got a point,"Newt told him. I nodded in appreciation.

"Speaking of points one of you remind me to break another window tomorrow,"I asked.
"Because I like eating glass Thomas. Why do you think? It's a good close range weapon."
"Now you sound like a walking survival guide."
"You sound like someone who's about to be denied breakfast,"I threatened. It was a total lie, but he didn't know that.
"I want the walking childrens book back,"He fake mumbled.

"Is he always like this?"I asked Aris.
"I guess,"He shrugged.
"You haven't tried to have a conversation with them, have you?"
"I know Thomas well enough. Besides, there isn't a lot of time for that out here."
"There is literally all the time for that when you're not fighting for your life there's tons of time. It gets boring,"I shrugged.

"It's better to be bored than dead,"He pointed out.

"Trust me Aris. I know."

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